Reflecta e.V./
No new suggestions for you at the moment. Adjust your profile or check back tomorrow.
No new suggestions for you at the moment. Adjust your profile or check back tomorrow.
Zurzeit keine neuen Vorschläge für dich. Passe dein Profil an oder schau morgen wieder vorbei. -
Past matches
Past matches
Vergangene Matches -
Get ready!
Get ready!
Get ready! -
To participate in matching, you must select topics and provide information about your search.
To participate in matching, you must select topics and provide information about your search.
Für die Teilnahme am Matching musst du Themen auswählen und Angaben zu deiner Suche machen. -
New Match! 🎉
New Match! 🎉
Neuer Match! 🎉 -
%{user} found you through matching!
%{user} found you through matching!
%{user} hat dich über das Matching gefunden! -
Not interested
Not interested
Nicht interessiert -
Are you sure you want to delete the contact request?
Are you sure you want to delete the contact request?
Bist du sicher, dass du die Kontaktanfrage löschen möchtest? -
%{user} found you through matching and sent you a contact request.
%{user} found you through matching and sent you a contact request.
%{user} hat dich über das Matching gefunden und dir eine Kontaktanfrage geschickt. -
Accept the invitation and reply to %{user}.
Accept the invitation and reply to %{user}.
Akzeptiere die Einladung und antworte %{user}. -
You can also decline an invitation. The request will then be deleted. %{user} will NOT receive a notification.
You can also decline an invitation. The request will then be deleted. %{user} will NOT receive a notification.
Du kannst eine Einladung auch ablehnen. Die Anfrage wird dann gelöscht. %{user} bekommt KEINE Benachrichtigung. -
Ignore the request for now. Under "My contacts > Contact requests" you will find it again as a normal request.
Ignore the request for now. Under "My contacts > Contact requests" you will find it again as a normal request.
Die Anfrage erstmal ignorieren. Unter "Meine Kontakte > Kontakanfragen" findest du sie als normale Anfrage wieder. -
Netiquette -
Don't miss posts from your contacts and get everything you need to know about your topics. You can customize your feed at any time by adding or deleting topics in your profile.
Don't miss posts from your contacts and get everything you need to know about your topics. You can customize your feed at any time by adding or deleting topics in your profile.
Verpasse keine Beiträge von deinen Kontakten und lass dir alles Wissenswerte zu deinen Themen anzeigen. Du kannst deinen Feed jederzeit anpassen, indem du in deinem Profil Themen hinzufügst oder löschst. -
Your own newsfeed
Your own newsfeed
Dein eigener Newsfeed -
Find fellow campaigners, mentors, volunteers, experts, new employees or simply an exchange with someone who inspires you.
Find fellow campaigners, mentors, volunteers, experts, new employees or simply an exchange with someone who inspires you.
Finde Mitstreiter:innen, Mentor:innen, Volunteers, Expert:innen, neue Mitarbeiter:innen oder einfach einen Austausch mit einem Menschen, der dich inspiriert. -
Get matched!
Get matched!
Lass dich matchen! -
Then share your challenge and get help. You can follow up your post with suggestions of people who might be able to help you with your challenge.
Then share your challenge and get help. You can follow up your post with suggestions of people who might be able to help you with your challenge.
Dann teile deine Herausforderung und lass dir helfen. Du kannst dir im Anschluss an dein Posting Personen vorschlagen lassen, die dir bei deinem Anliegen helfen könnten. -
Answer not found?
Answer not found?
Antwort nicht gefunden? -
The community and questioners have highlighted the most helpful answer to help you get there faster.
The community and questioners have highlighted the most helpful answer to help you get there faster.
Die Community und Fragesteller:innen haben die hilfreichste Antwort markiert, damit du schneller ans Ziel kommst.