FACELIFT /Facelift Cloud - Post Performance
The number of people the advertised page post was served to. It is also known as paid unique impressions.
The number of people the advertised page post was served to. It is also known as paid unique impressions.
Die Anzahl der Personen, die den Post der Seite als eine Werbeanzeige gesehen haben. Dies wird auch als bezahlte "Unique Impressions" bezeichnet. -
Engaged Users
Engaged Users
Engaged Users -
The number of unique people who engaged in certain ways with the Page post, for example by commenting on, liking, sharing, or clicking upon particular elements of the post.
The number of unique people who engaged in certain ways with the Page post, for example by commenting on, liking, sharing, or clicking upon particular elements of the post.
Anzahl der Personen, die sich auf bestimmte Weise mit dem Post beschäftigt haben, z.B. durch Kommentieren, Reaktionen, Teilen oder Anklicken bestimmter Elemente des Posts. -
Engaged fans
Engaged fans
Engaged Fans -
The number of people who have liked the page and engaged in certain ways with the Page post, for example by commenting on, liking, sharing, or clicking upon particular elements of the post.
The number of people who have liked the page and engaged in certain ways with the Page post, for example by commenting on, liking, sharing, or clicking upon particular elements of the post.
Die Anzahl der Personen, die Fans der Seite sind und sich auf bestimmte Weise mit dem Post beschäftigt haben, z.B. durch Kommentieren, Reaktionen, Teilen oder Anklicken bestimmter Elemente des Posts. -
Engagement Rate
Engagement Rate
Engagement-Rate -
The percentage of the people that have seen this post and engaged with it. Calculation: "Engaged users" divided by "Reach"
The percentage of the people that have seen this post and engaged with it. Calculation: "Engaged users" divided by "Reach"
Der prozentuale Anteil der Personen die diesen Post gesehen und damit interagiert haben. Berechnung: "Engaged Users" geteilt durch "Reichweite" -
Virality Rate
Virality Rate
Viralitätsrate -
Shows the percentage of the impressions because the Page's post entered a person's screen with social information attached. It is calculated as follows: "Viral post impressions" divided by "Total post Impressions"
Shows the percentage of the impressions because the Page's post entered a person's screen with social information attached. It is calculated as follows: "Viral post impressions" divided by "Total post Impressions"
Zeigt den Prozentsatz der Impressions, die dadurch entstanden sind, weil der Post der Seite mit sozialen Informationen auf den Bildschirm einer Person gelangt ist. Er wird wie folgt berechnet: "Virale Impressions" geteilt durch "Gesamte Impressions". -
Average % watched
Average % watched
Wiedergaberate -
Shows how much percentage of the video people have watched on average. It is calculated as follows: Average time watched in seconds divided by the length of the video.
Shows how much percentage of the video people have watched on average. It is calculated as follows: Average time watched in seconds divided by the length of the video.
Zeigt an, wie viel Prozent des Videos Personen im Durchschnitt geschaut haben. Berechnung: Durchschnittliche Wiedergabezeit geteilt durch die Länge des Videos. -
View time (minutes)
View time (minutes)
Wiedergabezeit in min. -
The total time (in minutes) that the video has been viewed.
The total time (in minutes) that the video has been viewed.
Zeigt die gesamte Wiedergabezeit des Videos in Minuten an. -
videoLength - title
videoLength - title
Videolänge -
videoLength - description
videoLength - description
Länge des Videos im Post in Sekunden. -
videoViews - title
videoViews - title
Video Views (3s) -
videoViews - description
videoViews - description
Die Anzahl, wie oft das Video länger als drei Sekunden angesehen wurde. -
videoViews10s - title
videoViews10s - title
Video Views (10s) -
videoViews10s - description
videoViews10s - description
Die Anzahl, wie oft das Video 10 Sekunden lang oder bis zum Ende angesehen wurde, je nachdem, was zuerst eintrat. -
videoViews30s - title
videoViews30s - title
Video Views (30s)