FACELIFT /Facelift Cloud - Post Performance
The number of comments the post got. This does not include comments on shares.
The number of shares the post got. This does not include shares of shares.
Total interactions
Sum of all types of reactions, comments, and shares on this post. This does not include interactions on shares.
Sum of all types of reactions on this post (like, love, wow, haha, sad, anger). This includes reactions on shares.
Negative reactions
The total number of reactions of the type "Angry" on this post. This does not include reactions on shares.
Negative feedback
The number of people who have given negative feedback to the post. This includes clicks on 'Hide post' or reporting the post as spam.
Total Engagement
The sum of the metrics "Total clicks" and "Total interactions" of this post as total engagement.
Total clicks
The number of clicks anywhere in the post.
Link clicks (unique)
The number of people who clicked on links in the post.
Click through rate
The percentage of the number of times a post has been clicked on compared to the number it has been seen. The total number of clicks on this post divided by the total number of post impressions.
Total impressions
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