FACELIFT /Facelift Cloud - Post Performance
Number of organic clicks, likes, comments, and shares over impressions.
Number of organic clicks, likes, comments, and shares over impressions.
Nombre de clics, de j'aime, de commentaires et de partages organiques par rapport aux impressions. -
Ìmpressions -
The number of total impressions of the post. Shows how many times the post was seen.
The number of total impressions of the post. Shows how many times the post was seen.
Le nombre total d'impressions du message. Indique combien de fois le message a été vu. -
Portée -
The total reach of the post. Shows how many times the post was seen by unique people.
The total reach of the post. Shows how many times the post was seen by unique people.
La portée totale du message. Indique combien de fois le message a été vu par des personnes uniques. -
J'aimes -
The number of "likes"
The number of "likes"
Le nombre de j'aimes -
Partages -
The number of shares the post got. This does not include shares of shares.
The number of shares the post got. This does not include shares of shares.
Le nombre de partages que le post a obtenu. Cela n'inclut pas les partages de partages. -
Shares Mentions
Shares Mentions
Mentions en partage -
Number of mentions of the organization in a share across LinkedIn.
Number of mentions of the organization in a share across LinkedIn.
Nombre de mentions de l'organisation dans un partage sur LinkedIn. -
Post URL
Post URL
URL du post -
The URL that leads to the post on the network.
The URL that leads to the post on the network.
L'URL qui mène à l'article sur le réseau. -
Thumbnail URL
Thumbnail URL
URL de l'aperçu -
The URL of the preview image.
The URL of the preview image.
URL de l'aperçu de l'image -
Aperçu -
The Base64-encoded preview image
The Base64-encoded preview image
L'image de prévisualisation encodée en Base64 -
Supprimé -
The post has been deleted on the network. It is shown here in facelift with its latest known state before it got deleted.
The post has been deleted on the network. It is shown here in facelift with its latest known state before it got deleted.
Le post a été supprimé sur le réseau. Il est montré ici avec son dernier statut connu avant qu'il ne soit supprimé. -