FACELIFT /Facelift Cloud - Post Performance
The number of people who have given negative feedback to the post. This includes clicks on 'Hide post' or reporting the post as spam.
The number of people who have given negative feedback to the post. This includes clicks on 'Hide post' or reporting the post as spam.
Nombre d'utilisateurs ayant laissés un retour négatif sur la publication. Cela prend en compte les clics sur "Masquer la publication" ou "Signaler la publication comme spam". -
Total Engagement
Total Engagement
Engagement Total -
The sum of the metrics "Total clicks" and "Total interactions" of this post as total engagement.
The sum of the metrics "Total clicks" and "Total interactions" of this post as total engagement.
Somme des données "Total des clics" et "Total des interactions". -
Total clicks
Total clicks
Total des clics -
The number of clicks anywhere in the post.
The number of clicks anywhere in the post.
Nombre total des clics sur la publication. -
Link clicks (unique)
Link clicks (unique)
Clics sur le lien (unique) -
The number of people who clicked on links in the post.
The number of people who clicked on links in the post.
Nombre total d'utilisateurs ayant cliqué sur un lien disponible dans la publication. -
Click through rate
Click through rate
CTR (taux de clics) -
The percentage of the number of times a post has been clicked on compared to the number it has been seen. The total number of clicks on this post divided by the total number of post impressions.
The percentage of the number of times a post has been clicked on compared to the number it has been seen. The total number of clicks on this post divided by the total number of post impressions.
Ratio entre le nombre de clics et le nombre de vues de la publication. Le calcul est le suivant : Nombre total de clics divisé par le total des impressions. -
Total impressions
Total impressions
Total des impressions -
The number of impressions of the page post.
The number of impressions of the page post.
Nombre d'impressions sur la publication. -
Portée -
The number of people the page post was served to. This is also known as unique impressions.
The number of people the page post was served to. This is also known as unique impressions.
Nombre de personnes auxquelles la publication a été envoyée. La portée peut aussi être appelée "impressions uniques". -
Organic reach
Organic reach
Portée organique -
The number of people who saw the page post in news feed or ticker, or on the Page"'"s timeline. It is also known as organic unique impressions.
The number of people who saw the page post in news feed or ticker, or on the Page"'"s timeline. It is also known as organic unique impressions.
Nombre de personnes auxquelles la publication a été présentée dans le fil d'actualisé ou sur la page directement. La portée organique peut aussi être appelée "impressions organiques uniques". -
Paid reach
Paid reach
Portée payée -
The number of people the advertised page post was served to. It is also known as paid unique impressions.
The number of people the advertised page post was served to. It is also known as paid unique impressions.
Nombre de personnes auxquelles la publication sponsorisée a été envoyée. La portée payée peut aussi être appelée "impressions payées uniques". -
Engaged Users
Engaged Users
Utilisateurs engagés -
The number of unique people who engaged in certain ways with the Page post, for example by commenting on, liking, sharing, or clicking upon particular elements of the post.
The number of unique people who engaged in certain ways with the Page post, for example by commenting on, liking, sharing, or clicking upon particular elements of the post.
Nombre de personnes qui ont interagi avec la publication, par exemple en laissant une mention J'aime, en partageant ou en cliquant sur un élément de la publication. -
Engaged fans
Engaged fans
Fans engagés