LanguageTooler GmbH/LT Core
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Trieu la lletra -
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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Zel de grum: quètxup, whisky, cafè, bon vi; ja! -
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About Rule...
About Rule...
Sobre la regla... -
About Rule
About Rule
Sobre la regla -
Readability: sentence over {0} words
Readability: sentence over {0} words
Llegibilitat: frase amb més de {0} paraules -
This sentence is over {0} words long. Consider splitting it up, as shorter sentences make the text easier to read.
This sentence is over {0} words long. Consider splitting it up, as shorter sentences make the text easier to read.
Aquesta frase té més de {0} paraules. Considereu revisar-la. Les frases més curtes fan el text més llegible. -
Readability: paragraph over {0} words
Readability: paragraph over {0} words
Llegibilitat: el paràgraf té més de {0} paraules -
This paragraph is over {0} words long here, consider revising it.
This paragraph is over {0} words long here, consider revising it.
El paràgraf té més de {0} paraules. Considereu revisar-lo. -
Filler words
Filler words
Paraules falca -
The word is classified as filler word. Delete it if possible.
The word is classified as filler word. Delete it if possible.
La paraula és classificada com a falca. Esborreu-la si és possible. -
Show filler words when percent per paragraph is more than:
Show filler words when percent per paragraph is more than:
Mostra paraules falca quan en el paràgraf n'hi ha un percentatge superior a: -
Empty Line
Empty Line
Línia buida -
Please delete empty line below and use formatting instead
Please delete empty line below and use formatting instead
Esborreu la línia buida i feu servir el format en comptes d'això -
Space character at the end of paragraph
Space character at the end of paragraph
Caràcter d'espai al final del paràgraf -
Please delete the space character at the end of the paragraph.
Please delete the space character at the end of the paragraph.
Esborreu el caràcter d'espai al final del paràgraf. -
Space character at the beginning of paragraph
Space character at the beginning of paragraph
Espai blanc al principi de paràgraf
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