LanguageTooler GmbH/LT Core
Potential problems found: {0}
Potential problems found: {0}
Possibles problemes trobats: {0} -
&Check Text
&Check Text
&Revisa el text -
Check Text
Check Text
Revisa el text -
Check Text
Check Text
Revisa el text -
Correcció: -
txec -
danès -
alemany -
German (Germany)
German (Germany)
alemany (Alemanya) -
German (Austrian)
German (Austrian)
alemany (Àustria) -
German (Swiss)
German (Swiss)
alemany (Suïssa) -
German (Easy German)
German (Easy German)
alemany (alemany fàcil) -
(desactiva) -
<br>Deactivated rules - click to activate again:
Deactivated rules - click to activate again:<br>
Regles desactivades - feu clic per a activar-les de nou: -
Use of whitespace before comma and before/after parentheses
Use of whitespace before comma and before/after parentheses
Espais abans de coma i abans i després dels parèntesis -
Use of two consecutive dots or commas
Use of two consecutive dots or commas
Dos punts o dues comes consecutives -
Word repetition (e.g. 'will will')
Word repetition (e.g. 'will will')
Repetició de paraules (p. ex. «mà mà») -
Word repetition
Word repetition
Repetició de paraules -
Successive sentences beginning with the same word
Successive sentences beginning with the same word
Frases successives que comencen amb la mateixa paraula -
Three successive sentences begin with the same word.
Three successive sentences begin with the same word.
Tres frases successives comencen amb la mateixa paraula.
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