LanguageTooler GmbH/LT Core
Consider rewording the sentence or use a thesaurus to find a synonym.
Consider rewording the sentence or use a thesaurus to find a synonym.
Consider rewording the sentence or use a thesaurus to find a synonym. -
Unpaired braces, brackets, quotation marks and similar symbols
Unpaired braces, brackets, quotation marks and similar symbols
ααΆαβαααΆαα ααααΆα α’αααααααβαααααΆ α¬βαααααΆβαα½αβααΆβαααααβαααβαααβααααα βααΆααβααΌ -
Checks that a sentence starts with an uppercase letter
Checks that a sentence starts with an uppercase letter
αα·αα·αααααααααααααααα αΆααααααΎαααΆαα½ααα½α’αααααα -
Whitespace repetition (bad formatting)
Whitespace repetition (bad formatting)
ααΆαβααααααΆβααΎαβααΈβαααααΌαααΆα -
Possible spelling mistake
Possible spelling mistake
α’αΆα ααΆαααΆαααααααααααΆαααα α»α -
Possible spelling mistake (without suggestions)
Possible spelling mistake (without suggestions)
ααΆαβααα α»αβααααα(αααβααααΆαααΆαβααααΆαβ) -
Spelling mistake
Spelling mistake
αααααααΆαααα α»α -
Use of whitespace before colon, semicolon and percentage.
Use of whitespace before colon, semicolon and percentage.
Use of whitespace before colon, semicolon and percentage. -
Two consecutive dots
Two consecutive dots
ααΆαβααααΎβα ααα»α βα¬βαααααΆβαααααβααΈαβααΆααααααΆ -
Two consecutive commas
Two consecutive commas
αααααΆαααααααααα ααΆααααΈα -
ααΆααΆαααα·α α¬ ααααΆαα·αααα·α -
α’ααααααα -
English (Australian)
English (Australian)
ααΆααΆα’ααααααα(ααααΆαα· α’αΌααααααΆααΈ) -
English (British)
English (British)
ααΆααΆα’ααααααα(α αααααα’ααααααα) -
English (American)
English (American)
ααΆααΆα’ααααααα(ααααΆαα· α’αΆαααα·α) -
English (Canadian)
English (Canadian)
ααΆααΆα’ααααααα(ααααΆαα· ααΆααΆααΆ) -
English (New Zealand)
English (New Zealand)
ααΆααΆα’ααααααα(ααααΆαα· ααΌαααα αααα‘αα) -
English (South African)
English (South African)
ααΆααΆα’ααααααα(α’αΆαααα·α ααΆαααααΌα) -
Please insert text to check here
Please insert text to check here
ααΌααααα αΌαα’αααααααΎααααΈαααα½ααα·αα·ααααα ααΈααα -
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