LanguageTooler GmbH/LT Core
This is a example input to to show you how LanguageTool works.
This is a example input to to show you how LanguageTool works.
ααααΆβαααβαααα αΆαβααΈβααΈβααα α»αβααααααΆαααα ααΎααααΈβαααααΆααβααΈβααααα·αααααΆαβααααβαααααα·ααΈ LanguageTool ααααΆααβααΆααΆαααααα -
Language Module Manager
Language Module Manager
α’ααααααααααααααααα½αα αααΆααααΆααΆ -
&α’αααΈααΎα... -
Load &Rule File...
Load &Rule File...
αααα»αα―αααΆαα αααΆαα -
&Check Text in Clipboard
&Check Text in Clipboard
Replace text -
&α―αααΆα -
&αααα½α -
&Hide to System Tray
&Hide to System Tray
ααΆαααα»ααα αααα»αααΆααααααααα -
&ααΎα... -
Open File
Open File
Open File -
Open File
Open File
Open File -
αααααΎα&ααααα... -
&α αΆαα αα -
Open Main Window
Open Main Window
ααΎααααα’αΌα αα -
Your mother tongue:
Your mother tongue:
ααααΆααΆβααααβα’αααα -
ngram data directory:
ngram data directory:
ngram data directory: -
- set directory (requires restart) -
- set directory (requires restart) -
- set directory (requires restart) - -
Help -
ααααααα -
Turn off Rule
Turn off Rule
Turn off Rule
No more segments to load.
Loading more segmentsβ¦
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