LanguageTooler GmbH/LT Core
Don't put a space before the full stop.
Don't put a space before the full stop.
Nereikia dėti tarpo prieš tašką -
Don't put a space on both sides of a quote symbol.
Don't put a space on both sides of a quote symbol.
Don't put a space on both sides of a quote symbol -
Don't put a space before the colon.
Don't put a space before the colon.
Nereikia dėti tarpo prieš dvitaškį -
Don't put a space before the semicolon.
Don't put a space before the semicolon.
Nereikia dėti tarpo prieš kabliataškį -
Don't put a space before the percentage.
Don't put a space before the percentage.
Nereikia dėti tarpo prieš procentų ženklą -
Lenkų -
Possible typo: you repeated a word.
Possible typo: you repeated a word.
Galima rinkimo klaida: pakartojote žodį -
<br><b> {0}. Line {1}, column {2}</b><br>
{0}. Line {1}, column {2}</b><br>
{0}. Eilutė {1}, stulpelis {2}</b><br>
Results will appear here
Results will appear here
Rezultatai bus pateikti čia -
<br>Time: {0}ms<br>
Time: {0}ms<br>
Laikas: {0}ms (įskaitant {1}ms taisyklės atitikimui)<br>
Rusų -
Slovakų -
Slovėnų -
Put a space after the comma, but not before the comma.
Put a space after the comma, but not before the comma.
Tarpą reikia dėti po kablelio, o ne prieš jį -
Possible spelling mistake found.
Possible spelling mistake found.
Rasta galima rašybos klaida. -
Starting check in {0}
Starting check in {0}
Pradedamas tikrinimas kalbai: {0} -
Švedų -
Tagalų -
Text Language:
Text Language:
Teksto kalba: -
Two consecutive commas
Two consecutive commas
Du iš eilės einantys kableliai
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