LanguageTooler GmbH/LT Core
αα»αααΆααα ααααααααααΆααααΈαα»αααααααα αααΎα
αα»αααΆααα ααααααααααΆααααΈαα»αααααααα αααΎα
Don't put a space after the opening parenthesis. -
αα»αααΆααα αααααα ααΈαα»ααααααααααα ααα·α...
αα»αααΆααα αααααα ααΈαα»ααααααααααα ααα·α...
Don't put a space before the closing parenthesis. -
αα»αααΆααα ααααααα αα»ααααααΆαααα
αα»αααΆααα ααααααα αα»ααααααΆαααα
Don't put a space before the full stop. -
Don't put a space on both sides of a quote symbol
Don't put a space on both sides of a quote symbol
Don't put a space on both sides of a quote symbol. -
Don't put a space before the colon
Don't put a space before the colon
Don't put a space before the colon. -
Don't put a space before the semicolon
Don't put a space before the semicolon
Don't put a space before the semicolon. -
Don't put a space before the percentage
Don't put a space before the percentage
Don't put a space before the percentage. -
Polish -
ααα α»αααΆαα’αααα: α’αααααααΎα²ααααΆαααααΆααααααΆ
ααα α»αααΆαα’αααα: α’αααααααΎα²ααααΆαααααΆααααααΆ
Possible typo: you repeated a word -
<br><b> {0}. αααααΆααβ {1}, αα½αβααβ {2}</b><br>
{0}. αααααΆααβ {1}, αα½αβααβ {2}</b><br>
{0}. Line {1}, column {2}</b><br>
ααααα·ααααΉααα·α α‘αΎααα ααΈααα
ααααα·ααααΉααα·α α‘αΎααα ααΈααα
Results will appear here -
<br>αααααααΆ: {0}αα·ααααΈαα·ααΆααΈ<br>
αααααααΆ: {0}αα·ααααΈαα·ααΆααΈ<br>
Time: {0}ms<br>
Russian -
Slovak -
Slovenian -
ααΆααα ααααααααααΆααααΈααααααα·ααααααΈαα»αααααααα
ααΆααα ααααααααααΆααααΈααααααα·ααααααΈαα»αααααααα
Put a space after the comma, but not before the comma. -
α’αΆα ααααΎαααΆαααααααααααΆααα»αα α»α
α’αΆα ααααΎαααΆαααααααααααΆααα»αα α»α
Possible spelling mistake found. -
α αΆααααααΎααα·αα·αααααΆααααα»α{0}
α αΆααααααΎααα·αα·αααααΆααααα»α{0}
Starting check in {0} -
Swedish -
ααΆααΆβααΆα αααΆα‘αΌα
ααΆααΆβααΆα αααΆα‘αΌα