WTMG website
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Happy camping!
Slow travel inspirations
Planning to discover Belgium on foot or by bike? Here are some links and tools we can warmly recommend!
Planning tools, apps & maps
Route planner for cycling and hiking: BRouter
Another great route planner: Komoot
Great route finder and planner: OutdoorActive
Great navigation app for cycling and hiking: OSMAnd
Another great navigation app: ViewRanger
Overview of the whole cycling network cycling layer of OpenStreetMap
Trail info
Great collection of hiking trails: RouteYou
Knooppunten network planner: Wandelknooppunt
Long distance trails in Wallonia: le RAVeL
Long distance biking trails in Flanders: LF network Flanders
Long distance hiking trails in Flanders and Wallonia: Grote Routepaden
Other accomodation services
Hospitality network for cyclists: WarmShowers
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