WTMG website
Welcome To My Garden was set up by a small team of Belgium-based enthusiasts. For lots of practical reasons we will limit campgrounds on our maps to Belgium for now. Mainly, we want to keep it simple. However, we would love this project to go abroad. If you want to set up Welcome To My Garden in your country, do contact us. The source code of the website is freely available on GitHub!
Welcome To My Garden was set up by a small team of Belgium-based enthusiasts. For lots of practical reasons we will limit campgrounds on our maps to Belgium for now. Mainly, we want to keep it simple. However, we would love this project to go abroad. If you want to set up Welcome To My Garden in your country, do contact us. The source code of the website is freely available on GitHub!
Welcome To My Garden is opgezet door een klein team enthousiastelingen gevestigd in België.. Om praktische redenen beperken we de kampeerplaatsen op onze kaarten voorlopig tot België. We willen het vooral simpel houden, hoewel we graag zouden zien dat dit project ook naar het buitenland overwaait. Neem contact met ons op als je Welcome To My Garden in een ander land wil opzetten. De broncode van de website is gratis beschikbaar op GitHub! -
Why is the facebook page only in English?
Why is the facebook page only in English?
Waarom is de Facebookpagina alleen in het Engels? -
First of all, there is a very practical reason: English is the only language the entire team can communicate in fluently enough! We also want WTMG to be open to everyone, so that people in other countries can implement the initiative in their country too. On the facebook page we will stick to English. If you feel more comfortable writing in Dutch or French please do!
First of all, there is a very practical reason: English is the only language the entire team can communicate in fluently enough! We also want WTMG to be open to everyone, so that people in other countries can implement the initiative in their country too. On the facebook page we will stick to English. If you feel more comfortable writing in Dutch or French please do!
Allereerst is er een heel praktische reden: Engels is de enige taal waarin het hele team vloeiend genoeg kan communiceren! We willen ook dat Welcome To My Garden voor iedereen openstaat, zodat mensen in andere landen het initiatief ook bij hen kunnen realiseren. Op de Facebookpagina houden we het bij Engels. Contacteer je ons liever in het Nederlands of Frans? Dat kan gerust! -
How does Welcome To My Garden differ from other platforms such as Warmshowers?
How does Welcome To My Garden differ from other platforms such as Warmshowers?
Hoe verschilt Welcome To My Garden van andere platforms zoals Warmshowers? -
There are quite a few other platforms out there that cater to the needs of (slow) travellers. Whereas Warmshowers is for cyclists only, WTMG is for both hikers and cyclists. Also, WTMG is all about tents, not beds. You could consider it the outdoor version of Couchsurfing. There is a commercial initiative called Campspace in the Netherlands which does more or less the same thing as WTMG, but you have to pay for your camping spot. WTMG is a free initiative, and you don’t need to pay your host for your stay.
There are quite a few other platforms out there that cater to the needs of (slow) travellers. Whereas Warmshowers is for cyclists only, WTMG is for both hikers and cyclists. Also, WTMG is all about tents, not beds. You could consider it the outdoor version of Couchsurfing. There is a commercial initiative called Campspace in the Netherlands which does more or less the same thing as WTMG, but you have to pay for your camping spot. WTMG is a free initiative, and you don’t need to pay your host for your stay.
Er zijn heel wat platforms die voorzien in de behoeften van (trage) reizigers. Warmshowers is bijvoorbeeld alleen voor fietsers, terwijl Welcome To My Garden voor zowel wandelaars als fietsers is. Bij Welcome To My Garden draait het ook allemaal om tenten, niet om bedden. Je zou het kunnen beschouwen als de buitenversie van Couchsurfing. Er is een commercieel initiatief genaamd Campspace in Nederland dat min of meer hetzelfde doet als Welcome To My Garden, maar je moet wel je kampeerplek betalen. Welcome To My Garden is een gratis initiatief en je hoeft jouw host niet te betalen voor je verblijf. -
What type of tent can I bring?
What type of tent can I bring?
Welk type tent kan ik meenemen? -
Since WTMG is only catering to hikers and cyclists, we expect you to bring nothing bigger than a trekker’s tent. That means it should easily fit in your pack. If you’re not sure your tent will fit in your host’s garden, please consult them before leaving.
Since WTMG is only catering to hikers and cyclists, we expect you to bring nothing bigger than a trekker’s tent. That means it should easily fit in your pack. If you’re not sure your tent will fit in your host’s garden, please consult them before leaving.
Omdat Welcome To My Garden alleen geschikt is voor wandelaars en fietsers, verwachten we dat je niets groters meeneemt dan een trekkerstent. Dit betekent dat je tent gemakkelijk in je rugzak moet passen. Als je niet zeker weet of je tent in de tuin van de host past, contacteer hen dan voordat je vertrekt. -
I’ve had an issue with a guest or a host. How do I report it?
I’ve had an issue with a guest or a host. How do I report it?
Ik heb een probleem gehad met een gast of een host. Hoe meld ik dit? -
Any issue or misconduct should be reported to Welcome To My Garden by email (welcometomygardennetwork-at-gmail.com). In case of misconduct we reserve the right to remove unilaterally this person’s account (see Terms of Use).
Any issue or misconduct should be reported to Welcome To My Garden by email (welcometomygardennetwork-at-gmail.com). In case of misconduct we reserve the right to remove unilaterally this person’s account (see Terms of Use).
Elk probleem of wangedrag moet per e-mail worden gemeld aan Welcome To My Garden {support}. In geval van wangedrag behouden we het recht om eenzijdig het account van deze persoon te verwijderen (zie Gebruiksvoorwaarden). -
Cookie policy
Cookie policy
Cookiebeleid -
1. What Are Cookies
1. What Are Cookies
1. Wat zijn cookies -
As is common practice with almost all professional websites, this site uses cookies. Cookies are tiny files that are downloaded to your computer, to improve your experience. This page describes what information they gather, how we use it and why we sometimes need to store these cookies. We will also share how you can prevent these cookies from being stored. However, this may downgrade or 'break' certain elements of the site functionality. For more general information on cookies <a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_cookie&sa=D&ust=1592214262286000"> see this Wikipedia article on HTTP Cookies.</a>
As is common practice with almost all professional websites, this site uses cookies. Cookies are tiny files that are downloaded to your computer, to improve your experience. This page describes what information they gather, how we use it and why we sometimes need to store these cookies. We will also share how you can prevent these cookies from being stored. However, this may downgrade or 'break' certain elements of the site functionality. For more general information on cookies
<a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_cookie&sa=D&ust=1592214262286000">
see this Wikipedia article on HTTP Cookies.</a>
Zoals bij bijna alle professionele websites gebruikelijk is, maakt deze site gebruik van cookies. Cookies zijn kleine bestanden die naar je computer worden gedownload om je ervaring te verbeteren. Deze pagina beschrijft welke informatie ze verzamelen, hoe we deze gebruiken en waarom we deze cookies soms moeten opslaan. We zullen ook delen hoe je kunt voorkomen dat deze cookies worden opgeslagen. Dit kan echter bepaalde elementen van de site functionaliteit verminderen of 'breken'.<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_cookie">
Zie dit Wikipedia-artikel over HTTP-cookies voor meer algemene informatie over cookies.</a>
2. How We Use Cookies
2. How We Use Cookies
2. Hoe gebruiken we cookies -
We use cookies for a variety of reasons detailed below. Unfortunately, in most cases there are no industry standard options for disabling cookies without completely disabling the functionality and features they add to this site. It is recommended that you leave all cookies if you are not sure whether you need them or not in case they are used to provide a service that you use.
We use cookies for a variety of reasons detailed below. Unfortunately, in most cases there are no industry standard options for disabling cookies without completely disabling the functionality and features they add to this site. It is recommended that you leave all cookies if you are not sure whether you need them or not in case they are used to provide a service that you use.
We gebruiken cookies om verschillende redenen die hieronder worden beschreven. Helaas zijn er in de meeste gevallen geen standaard opties om cookies uit te schakelen zonder de functionaliteiten en opties die ze aan deze site toevoegen volledig uit te schakelen. Het wordt aanbevolen om alle cookies te laten staan als je niet zeker weet of je ze nodig heeft, voor het geval ze worden gebruikt om een dienst te verlenen die je gebruikt. -
3. Disabling Cookies
3. Disabling Cookies
3. Cookies uitschakelen -
You can prevent cookies being downloaded by adjusting your browser settings (see the Help menu of your browser to find out how to do this). Please be aware that disabling cookies might affect the functionality of this and many other websites that you visit. Disabling cookies will usually result in disabling certain functionality and features of this site as well. If you'd like to disable cookies, we recommend using <a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/privacy-badger17/&sa=D&ust=1592214262287000"> Privacy Badger</a> on Firefox.
You can prevent cookies being downloaded by adjusting your browser settings (see the Help menu of your browser to find out how to do this). Please be aware that disabling cookies might affect the functionality of this and many other websites that you visit. Disabling cookies will usually result in disabling certain functionality and features of this site as well. If you'd like to disable cookies, we recommend using
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Privacy Badger</a>
on Firefox.Je kunt voorkomen dat cookies worden gedownload door je browserinstellingen aan te passen (zie het Help-menu van je browser om te zien hoe je dit moet doen). Houd er rekening mee dat het uitschakelen van cookies de functionaliteit van deze en vele andere websites die je bezoekt, kan beïnvloeden. Als je cookies wil uitschakelen, raden we aan Privacy Badger in Firefox te gebruiken. -
4. The Cookies We Set
4. The Cookies We Set
4. De cookies die we instellen -
If you create an account with us then we will use cookies for the management of the signup process and general administration. These cookies will usually be deleted when you log out. However, in some cases they may remain afterwards to remember your site preferences when logged out.
If you create an account with us then we will use cookies for the management of the signup process and general administration. These cookies will usually be deleted when you log out. However, in some cases they may remain afterwards to remember your site preferences when logged out.
Als je een account bij ons aanmaakt, zullen we cookies gebruiken voor het beheer van het aanmeldingsproces en de algemene administratie. Deze cookies worden meestal verwijderd wanneer je uitlogt. In sommige gevallen kunnen ze echter achterblijven om je site voorkeuren te onthouden wanneer je bent uitgelogd. -
We use cookies when you are logged in so that we can remember this fact. This prevents you from having to log in every single time you visit a new page. These cookies are typically removed or cleared when you log out to ensure that you can only access restricted features and areas when logged in.
We use cookies when you are logged in so that we can remember this fact. This prevents you from having to log in every single time you visit a new page. These cookies are typically removed or cleared when you log out to ensure that you can only access restricted features and areas when logged in.
We gebruiken cookies wanneer je bent ingelogd, zodat we dit kunnen onthouden. Dit voorkomt dat je elke keer dat je een nieuwe pagina bezoekt, moet inloggen. Deze cookies worden meestal verwijderd of gewist wanneer je uitlogt om ervoor te zorgen dat je alleen toegang hebt tot beperkte functies en gebieden wanneer je bent ingelogd. -
This site might offer newsletter or email subscription services in the future and cookies may be used to remember if you are already registered and whether to show certain notifications which might only be valid to subscribed/unsubscribed users.
This site might offer newsletter or email subscription services in the future and cookies may be used to remember if you are already registered and whether to show certain notifications which might only be valid to subscribed/unsubscribed users.
Deze site kan in de toekomst nieuwsbrief- of e-mail abonnementsservices aanbieden en cookies kunnen worden gebruikt om te onthouden of je al bent geregistreerd en of bepaalde meldingen moeten worden weergegeven die mogelijk alleen geldig zijn voor geabonneerde/niet-geabonneerde gebruikers.