Skinport GmbH/Skinport Extension
Potential Skinport phishing site ahead
Potential Skinport phishing site ahead
Site potentiel de hameçonnage Skinport à venirParent Translation in en - English:Potential Skinport phishing site ahead
Skinport extension has blocked access to <strong>{{blockedHost}}</strong>, because it potentially pretends to be Skinport and may trick you into doing something dangerous like revealing your Steam information such as email, password and Steam Web API key.
Skinport extension has blocked access to
, because it potentially pretends to be Skinport and may trick you into doing something dangerous like revealing your Steam information such as email, password and Steam Web API key.L'extension Skinport a bloqué l'accès àParent Translation in en - English:<strong>
, car il prétend potentiellement être Skinport et pourrait vous inciter à faire quelque chose de dangereux, comme révéler vos informations Steam telles que l'email, le mot de passe et la clé API Web Steam.Skinport extension has blocked access to
, because it potentially pretends to be Skinport and may trick you into doing something dangerous like revealing your Steam information such as email, password and Steam Web API key. -
Please make sure to only visit our official website <skinportLink></skinportLink>
Please make sure to only visit our official website
Assure-toi de ne visiter que notre site officielParent Translation in en - English:<skinportLink></skinportLink>
Please make sure to only visit our official website
Go to
Go to
Rendez-vous sur Skinport.comParent Translation in en - English:Go to
If you understand the risks to your security, visit this <potentiallyUnsafeSiteLink>potentially unsafe site</potentiallyUnsafeSiteLink>.
If you understand the risks to your security, visit this
potentially unsafe site</potentiallyUnsafeSiteLink>
.Si tu comprends les risques pour ta sécurité, visite ceParent Translation in en - English:<potentiallyUnsafeSiteLink>
site potentiellement dangereux</potentiallyUnsafeSiteLink>
.If you understand the risks to your security, visit this
potentially unsafe site</potentiallyUnsafeSiteLink>
. -
Permissions required
Permissions required
Autorisations requisesParent Translation in en - English:Permissions required
Skinport Plus requires permissions in order to work and fully secure your trading experience.
Skinport Plus requires permissions in order to work and fully secure your trading experience.
Skinport Plus nécessite des autorisations pour fonctionner et sécuriser complètement votre expérience de trading.Parent Translation in en - English:Skinport Plus requires permissions in order to work and fully secure your trading experience.
Protecting your privacy is very important to us, therefore Skinport Plus doesn't and will never collect any personal information or read your browser activity.
Protecting your privacy is very important to us, therefore Skinport Plus doesn't and will never collect any personal information or read your browser activity.
La protection de votre vie privée est très importante pour nous, donc Skinport Plus ne collectera jamais d'informations personnelles et ne lira jamais votre activité de navigation.Parent Translation in en - English:Protecting your privacy is very important to us, therefore Skinport Plus doesn't and will never collect any personal information or read your browser activity.
Grant permissions
Grant permissions
Accorde les permissionsParent Translation in en - English:Grant permissions
View screenshot
View screenshot
Voir capture d'écranParent Translation in en - English:View screenshot
Starting at
Starting at
Commence àParent Translation in en - English:Starting at
Buy on <skinportLogo />
Buy on
<skinportLogo />
Achète surParent Translation in en - English:<skinportLogo />
Buy on
<skinportLogo />
Sell on <skinportLogo />
Sell on
<skinportLogo />
Vends surParent Translation in en - English:<skinportLogo />
Sell on
<skinportLogo />
An error has occurred
An error has occurred
Une erreur s'est produiteParent Translation in en - English:An error has occurred
Something went wrong while verifying the trade partner. Please try again later or continue with caution.
Something went wrong while verifying the trade partner. Please try again later or continue with caution.
Un problème est survenu lors de la vérification du partenaire commercial. Veuillez réessayer plus tard ou continuer avec prudence.Parent Translation in en - English:Something went wrong while verifying the trade partner. Please try again later or continue with caution.
This is a verified Skinport bot
This is a verified Skinport bot
C'est un bot Skinport vérifiéParent Translation in en - English:This is a verified Skinport bot
Suggested price
Suggested price
Prix suggéréParent Translation in en - English:Suggested price
Pricing by <skinportPlusLogo />
Pricing by
<skinportPlusLogo />
Tarification parParent Translation in en - English:<skinportPlusLogo />
Pricing by
<skinportPlusLogo />
Failed loading item prices. Please try again later.
Failed loading item prices. Please try again later.
Le chargement des prix des objets a échoué. Veuillez réessayer plus tard.Parent Translation in en - English:Failed loading item prices. Please try again later.
ErreurParent Translation in en - English:Error