Skinport GmbH/Skinport Extension
InventairesParent Translation in en - English:Inventories
Show item prices
Show item prices
Afficher les prix des objetsParent Translation in en - English:Show item prices
Show suggested item prices from Skinport on each item.
Show suggested item prices from Skinport on each item.
Affiche les prix suggérés des objets de Skinport sur chaque objet.Parent Translation in en - English:Show suggested item prices from Skinport on each item.
Total value
Total value
Valeur totaleParent Translation in en - English:Total value
Show total value
Show total value
Montrer la valeur totaleParent Translation in en - English:Show total value
Show total inventory value based on suggested item prices from Skinport.
Show total inventory value based on suggested item prices from Skinport.
Affiche la valeur totale de l'inventaire basée sur les prix des objets suggérés par Skinport.Parent Translation in en - English:Show total inventory value based on suggested item prices from Skinport.
Sticker: <stickerName />
<stickerName />
Autocollant:Parent Translation in en - English:<stickerName />
<stickerName />
Charm: <charmName />
<charmName />
Charme:Parent Translation in en - English:<charmName />
<charmName />
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