Show custom field on printed documents
Show custom field on printed documents
Hvis tilpassede felter på udskrevne dokumenter -
Starting balance
Starting balance
Udgangsbalance -
Starting Balances
Starting Balances
Udgangsbalancer -
Starting balance equity
Starting balance equity
Udgangsbalance - egenkapital -
Exchange rate
Exchange rate
Valutakurs -
Foreign exchange gain
Foreign exchange gain
Kursdifference - vind -
Foreign exchange loss
Foreign exchange loss
Kursdifference - tab -
Withholding tax
Withholding tax
Tilbageholdt skat -
Withholding tax receivable
Withholding tax receivable
Tilbageholdt skat - overskydende -
New Receipt
New Receipt
Ny kvittering -
Production Order
Production Order
Produktions rækkefølge -
New Production Order
New Production Order
Ny produktions ordre -
Production Orders
Production Orders
Produktions ordrer -
Drop-down list
Drop-down list
Drop-down Liste -
Options for drop-down list
Options for drop-down list
Muligheder for Drop-down liste -
One option per line
One option per line
En mulighed per linje -
Batch Create
Batch Create
Batch oprettelse -
Batch Update
Batch Update
Batch opdatering -
Batch Delete
Batch Delete
Batch sletning -
Copy data from a spreadsheet and paste it into the text field belowCopy data from a spreadsheet and paste it into the text field belowKopier regnearksdata og indsæt disse i feltet herunder
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