Investment Market Prices
Investment Market Prices
Investment Marktpreise -
Investment Market Price
Investment Market Price
Investment Marktpreis -
Current cost
Current cost
Mietschtekoste -
Recalculated cost
Recalculated cost
Neuberechnete Choschte -
Current value
Current value
Aktuelle Wert -
Recalculated value
Recalculated value
Neuberechneter Wert -
Revised profit
Revised profit
Revidierter Profit -
Berechning -
Increments (decrements) for the period
Increments (decrements) for the period
Zuehnahme (Abnahm) für d'Period -
Closing unrealized gains (losses)
Closing unrealized gains (losses)
Schlüsse vo nöd realisierte Gewinne (Verluste) -
Opening unrealized gains (losses)
Opening unrealized gains (losses)
Eröffnung vo nicht realisiertem Gwinn (Verlust) -
Realized gains (losses)
Realized gains (losses)
Realisierte Gewinne (Verluste) -
Settlement amount
Settlement amount
Abrechnigsbetrag -
Vakuum -
Realized Currency Gains and Losses
Realized Currency Gains and Losses
Realisierte Währigsvor- und -nachteile -
Web Service
Web Service
Webdienst -
Web Services
Web Services
Web Services -
Market Exchange Rate
Market Exchange Rate
Marktwechselkurs -
Conversion Markup
Conversion Markup
Umrechnungszuschlag -
Transaction Conversion
Transaction Conversion
Transaktion Konvertierung
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