Realized gains (losses)
Realized gains (losses)
Keuntungan (kerugian) yang direalisasikan -
Settlement amount
Settlement amount
Jumlah penyelesaian -
Vakum -
Realized Currency Gains and Losses
Realized Currency Gains and Losses
Realisasi Keuntungan dan Kerugian Mata Uang -
Web Service
Web Service
Layanan Web -
Web Services
Web Services
Layanan Web -
Market Exchange Rate
Market Exchange Rate
Nilai Tukar Pasar -
Conversion Markup
Conversion Markup
Markup Konversi -
Transaction Conversion
Transaction Conversion
Konversi Transaksi -
Market Conversion
Market Conversion
Konversi Pasar -
Qty reserved
Qty reserved
Jumlah sudah dipesan -
Investment gains (losses)
Investment gains (losses)
Keuntungan (kerugian) investasi -
Relay -
Corrupt Database
Corrupt Database
Basis Data Rusak -
Label for column showing converted balance for foreign currency account / amount.
File Attachment:Converted balanceConverted balance
Saldo konversi -
This is label for "Reset" button. Reset button allows to empty contents of the form.
File Attachment:ResetReset
Bersihkan -
Also acts as goods receipt
Also acts as goods receipt
Buat juga sebagai penerimaan barang -
Also acts as delivery note
Also acts as delivery note
Buat juga sebagai surat jalan -
Inventory Automatic Revaluation
Inventory Automatic Revaluation
Revaluasi Otomatis Persediaan -
Name of column. This appears when using "Advanced Queries" and "Group by..." function together.
File Attachment:CountCount
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