New Production Order
New Production Order
Buat Pesanan Produksi Baru -
Production Orders
Production Orders
Pesanan Produksi -
Drop-down list
Drop-down list
Daftar drop-down -
Options for drop-down list
Options for drop-down list
Pilihan Daftar drop-down -
One option per line
One option per line
Satu Pilihan per baris -
Batch Create
Batch Create
Buat Sekaligus -
Batch Update
Batch Update
Perbaharui Sekaligus -
Batch Delete
Batch Delete
Hapus Sekaligus -
Copy data from a spreadsheet and paste it into the text field below
Copy data from a spreadsheet and paste it into the text field below
Salin data dari spreadsheet dan tempel ke dalam kotak di bawah ini -
Fill in data in your spreadsheet program
Fill in data in your spreadsheet program
Isi data di dalam program spreadsheet Anda -
Update data in your spreadsheet program
Update data in your spreadsheet program
Perbaharui data di dalam program spreadsheet Anda -
New Employee
New Employee
Buat Pegawai Baru -
New Payslip
New Payslip
Buat Slip Gaji Baru -
New Intangible Asset
New Intangible Asset
Buat Aset Tak Berwujud Baru -
Uncategorized transactions
Uncategorized transactions
Transaksi Tidak Terkategori -
Find & recode
Find & recode
Cari & kode ulang -
Do not recode
Do not recode
Jangan kode ulang -
This summary is set to show balance sheet as at {1} and profit and loss statement for the period from {0} to {1}.
This summary is set to show balance sheet as at {1} and profit and loss statement for the period from {0} to {1}.
Ringkasan ini diatur untuk menunjukkan Neraca pada {1} dan Laporan Laba-Rugi untuk periode {0} s.d. {1}. -
There are {0} transactions dated after {1} therefore they are not accounted for in this view.
There are {0} transactions dated after {1} therefore they are not accounted for in this view.
Terdapat {0} transaksi setelah tanggal {1} oleh karena itu transaksi tersebut tidak dimunculkan pada tampilan ini. -
Recurring Payslip
Recurring Payslip
Slip Gaji Berulang
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