Intangible assets, at cost
Intangible assets, at cost
Aset tetap tidak berwujud, dalam biaya -
Custom depreciation expense account
Custom depreciation expense account
Akun beban penyusutan kustom -
Custom amortization expense account
Custom amortization expense account
Akun beban amortisasi kustom -
Production stage
Production stage
Tahap produksi -
Penghapusan -
Partial payment
Partial payment
Pembayaran sebagian -
Based on entered production orders, at least one inventory item needs to have production stage elevated.
Based on entered production orders, at least one inventory item needs to have production stage elevated.
Berdasarkan pesanan produksi yang dimasukan, setidaknya satu persediaan barang perlu ditingkatkan tahap produksinya. -
Foreign Balance
Foreign Balance
Saldo Valuta Asing -
Current Balance
Current Balance
Saldo Saat Ini -
Adjusted Balance
Adjusted Balance
Saldo yang Disesuaikan -
Gain / Loss
Gain / Loss
Laba / Rugi -
General Ledger Account
General Ledger Account
Akun Buku Besar -
Diperlukan -
Alias -
Taxable Sale
Taxable Sale
Penjualan Kena Pajak -
Taxable Purchase
Taxable Purchase
Pembelian Kena Pajak -
Selesai -
Production in progress
Production in progress
Produksi sedang berjalan -
The form cannot be deleted because it is referenced in the following transactions
The form cannot be deleted because it is referenced in the following transactions
Formulir tidak dapat dihapus karena direferensikan dalam transaksi berikut -
Foreign Exchange Revaluation
Foreign Exchange Revaluation
Revaluasi Kurs Valuta Asing
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