Exchange Rates
Exchange Rates
Kurs -
Foreign exchange gains (losses)
Foreign exchange gains (losses)
Laba (Rugi) perbedaan kurs -
Inventory Quantity Summary
Inventory Quantity Summary
Ringkasan Kuantitas Persediaan -
Inventory Value Summary
Inventory Value Summary
Ringkasan Nilai Persediaan -
Wages & salaries
Wages & salaries
Gaji dan Upah -
Payroll liabilities
Payroll liabilities
Utang Gaji -
Employee clearing account
Employee clearing account
Ayat Silang - Gaji -
Slip Gaji -
Pegawai -
Intangible Assets
Intangible Assets
Aset Tetap Tidak Berwujud -
Expense claims
Expense claims
Klaim Beban -
Billable time - invoiced
Billable time - invoiced
Tarif Waktu yang Dapat Ditagih - Terfaktur -
Fixed assets - depreciation
Fixed assets - depreciation
Penyusutan Aset Tetap -
Fixed assets - loss on disposal
Fixed assets - loss on disposal
Kerugian Penghapusan Aset Tetap -
Inventory - cost
Inventory - cost
Harga Pokok Persediaan -
Inventory - sales
Inventory - sales
Penjualan Barang Dagang -
Billable time
Billable time
Tarif Waktu yang Dapat Ditagih -
Billable time - movement
Billable time - movement
Tarif Waktu yang Dapat Ditagih - Mutasi -
Late payment fees
Late payment fees
Denda keterlambatan pembayaran -
Rounding expense
Rounding expense
Biaya pembulatan
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