Decimal places
Decimal places
Aukastafur -
Tákn -
New Control Account
New Control Account
Nýr safnlykill -
Control Accounts
Control Accounts
Safnlyklar -
Fixed assets, at cost
Fixed assets, at cost
Rekstrarfjármunir, á kostnaðarverði -
Intangible assets, at cost
Intangible assets, at cost
Óefnislegar eignir, á kostnaðarverði -
Custom depreciation expense account
Custom depreciation expense account
Sérstakur kostnaðarlykill afskrifta -
Custom amortization expense account
Custom amortization expense account
Sérsniðin afskrifta reikningskostnaður -
Production stage
Production stage
Framleiðslustig -
Farið -
Partial payment
Partial payment
Hlutagreiðsla -
Based on entered production orders, at least one inventory item needs to have production stage elevated.
Based on entered production orders, at least one inventory item needs to have production stage elevated.
Miðað við skráðar framleiðslupantanir að þá þarf allavega ein birgðavara að hafa hærra framleiðslustig. -
Foreign Balance
Foreign Balance
Staða í erlendum gjaldmiðlum -
Current Balance
Current Balance
Núverandi gjaldeyrisstaða -
Adjusted Balance
Adjusted Balance
Leiðrétt staða -
Gain / Loss
Gain / Loss
Hagnaður / Tap -
General Ledger Account
General Ledger Account
Almennur reikningur -
Nauðsynlegt -
Samheiti -
Taxable Sale
Taxable Sale
VSK-skyld sala
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