Net Purchases
Net Purchases
ααΆααα·αααα»α -
Total Purchases
Total Purchases
ααα»αααΆααα·α -
Generic message when any autocomplete box fails to find any matching items (accounts, customers, suppliers, inventory items etc.)
No matches foundNo matches found
αα·αααΆαααααΌαααααΆ -
Searching ...
Searching ...
αααα»αααααααα... -
Inventory Items
Inventory Items
αα»ααααα·α -
Billable Time
Billable Time
αααααα·αααααΆααααΆα -
Fixed Assets
Fixed Assets
ααααααααααααααα -
Fixed Asset Summary
Fixed Asset Summary
ααααααααααααααααααααα -
αααααααααααααααα -
Fixed assets, accumulated depreciation
Fixed assets, accumulated depreciation
ααααααααααααααα, ααααααααααααααααααααα -
Capital Accounts
Capital Accounts
ααααΈααΌααα -
Profit (loss) for the period
Profit (loss) for the period
ααααΆααα αααα(ααΆα)αααα»αααΆαα·αααα·α αααα -
Financial Statements
Financial Statements
αααΆαααΆαααα α·ααααααααα» -
Capital Accounts Summary
Capital Accounts Summary
ααααααααααΈααΌααα -
Statement of Changes in Equity
Statement of Changes in Equity
αααΆαααΆααααααααααααα½αααΌααα -
Inventory Movement
Inventory Movement
αααααααααα½ααααα·α -
Inventory Profit Margin
Inventory Profit Margin
ααααΆααα ααααααΎαααα·α -
Fixed Asset Depreciation
Fixed Asset Depreciation
α αααΆααααααααααααααααα -
Billable time adjustment
Billable time adjustment
ααΆααααααααΌααααααα·αααααΆααααΆα -
Fixed Asset Disposal
Fixed Asset Disposal
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