Foreign Currencies
Foreign Currencies
Matawang Asing -
Foreign Currency
Foreign Currency
Matawang Asing -
Decimal places
Decimal places
Titik perpuluhan -
Simbol -
New Control Account
New Control Account
Akaun Kawalan Baru -
Control Accounts
Control Accounts
Akaun Kawalan -
Fixed assets, at cost
Fixed assets, at cost
Aset tetap, mengikut kos -
Intangible assets, at cost
Intangible assets, at cost
Aset tidak ketara, pada kos -
Custom depreciation expense account
Custom depreciation expense account
Akaun perbelanjaan susut nilai tersuai -
Custom amortization expense account
Custom amortization expense account
Akaun perbelanjaan penjajaran tersuai -
Production stage
Production stage
Peringkat pengeluaran -
Dilupuskan -
Partial payment
Partial payment
Bayaran sebahagian -
Based on entered production orders, at least one inventory item needs to have production stage elevated.
Based on entered production orders, at least one inventory item needs to have production stage elevated.
Berdasarkan pesanan produksi yang dimasukkan, setidaknya satu item inventori perlu menaikkan tahap produksi. -
Foreign Balance
Foreign Balance
Baki Asing -
Current Balance
Current Balance
Baki Semasa -
Adjusted Balance
Adjusted Balance
Baki yang Telah Diselaraskan -
Gain / Loss
Gain / Loss
Keuntungan / Kerugian -
General Ledger Account
General Ledger Account
Akaun Buku Besar Am -
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