Total amount in base currency
Total amount in base currency
Tirada Guud ee Lacagta Aasaasiga ah -
Total amount in words
Total amount in words
Tirada guud ee ereyada -
Payer or payee
Payer or payee
Bixiyaha ama qaataasha -
Expiry date
Expiry date
Taariikhda Dhamaadka -
Valid for
Valid for
Waa sax ah -
Waqtigeedu dhamaaday -
La aqbalay -
Dib u celin -
Paid by
Paid by
Bixiyey -
La xiray -
When sold
When sold
Marka la iibiyay -
When purchased
When purchased
Haddii la iibsado -
Bank and Cash Accounts
Bank and Cash Accounts
Xisaabta Bangiga iyo Lacagta -
Custom Inventory Locations
Custom Inventory Locations
Goobaha gaarka ah ee kaydinta -
There is one or more uncategorized receipts which can be categorized using receipt rules
There is one or more uncategorized receipts which can be categorized using receipt rules
Hal ama ka badan bixinta aan laqaybin ayaa jira oo lagu qaybin karo isticmaalka xeerarka la xisaabtanka -
There is one or more uncategorized payments which can be categorized using payment rules
There is one or more uncategorized payments which can be categorized using payment rules
Waxaa jira hal ama in ka badan lacago la aqbalay oo aan la qaybin, taas oo lagu qaybi karo adeega shuruudaha bixinta -
Uncategorized Payments
Uncategorized Payments
Bixiyayaaasha aan la qaybsan -
Uncategorized Receipts
Uncategorized Receipts
Qaboojiyayaasha aan la qeybsanayn -
Payment Rules
Payment Rules
Xeerarka Bixinta -
Receipt Rules
Receipt Rules
Xeerarka Qabashada
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