Your account is secured using multi-factor authentication. To login, view your multi-factor authentication device and enter the authentication code above.
Your account is secured using multi-factor authentication. To login, view your multi-factor authentication device and enter the authentication code above.
Vaš račun je zaštićen korišćenjem višefaktorske autentifikacije. Da biste se prijavili, pogledajte vaš uređaj za višefaktorsku autentifikaciju i unesite autentifikacioni kod iznad. -
Multi-factor authentication has been enforced by administrator to enhance the security of your account. As part of this security measure, you are required to set up multi-factor authentication by scanning the QR code below with your multi-factor authentication app and entering the displayed authentication code on your device below.
Multi-factor authentication has been enforced by administrator to enhance the security of your account. As part of this security measure, you are required to set up multi-factor authentication by scanning the QR code below with your multi-factor authentication app and entering the displayed authentication code on your device below.
Višefaktorska autentifikacija je nametnuta od strane administratora kako bi se poboljšala sigurnost vašeg naloga. Kao deo ove sigurnosne mere, potrebno je da postavite višefaktorsku autentifikaciju skeniranjem QR koda ispod koristeći vašu aplikaciju za višefaktorsku autentifikaciju i unosom prikazanog autentifikacionog koda na vašem uređaju ispod. -
Invalid username
Invalid username
Neispravno korisničko ime -
Invalid password
Invalid password
Neispravna šifra -
Invalid password or authentication code
Invalid password or authentication code
Neispravna lozinka ili kod za autentifikaciju -
Authentication code
Authentication code
Kod za autentifikaciju -
Enforce multi-factor authentication
Enforce multi-factor authentication
Sprovedite višefaktorsku autentifikaciju -
New Custom Report
New Custom Report
Нови прилагођени извештај -
New Advanced Query
New Advanced Query
Нови напредни упит -
Advanced Query
Advanced Query
Napredni upit -
Advanced Queries
Advanced Queries
Napredni upiti -
Minimal decimal places
Minimal decimal places
Minimalni broj decimala -
on the same day
on the same day
истог дана -
on the last day
on the last day
poslednjeg dana -
Unrealised investment gains (losses)
Unrealised investment gains (losses)
Nerealizovani dobici od investicija (gubici) -
Investments, market value increment
Investments, market value increment
Investicije, povećanje tržišne vrednosti -
Investments, at cost
Investments, at cost
Investicije, po trošku -
New Investment Market Price
New Investment Market Price
Nova tržišna cena investicije -
Investment Market Prices
Investment Market Prices
Cene tržišta ulaganja -
Investment Market Price
Investment Market Price
Tržišna cena investicije