Lis deplawab
Lis deplawab
Drop-down list -
Opsyon pou lis deplwab
Opsyon pou lis deplwab
Options for drop-down list -
Yon opsyon pa liy
Yon opsyon pa liy
One option per line -
Batch Kreye
Batch Kreye
Batch Create -
Batch Mizajou
Batch Mizajou
Batch Update -
Batch Efase
Batch Efase
Batch Delete -
Kopye done de yon fèy kalkil ak kopye l nan chan tèks anba a
Kopye done de yon fèy kalkil ak kopye l nan chan tèks anba a
Copy data from a spreadsheet and paste it into the text field below -
Ranpli ak done nan pwogram fèy kalkil ou a
Ranpli ak done nan pwogram fèy kalkil ou a
Fill in data in your spreadsheet program -
Met a jou done nan pwogram fèy kalkil ou a
Met a jou done nan pwogram fèy kalkil ou a
Update data in your spreadsheet program -
Nouvo Anplwaye
Nouvo Anplwaye
New Employee -
Nouvo Souch Fich Pewòl
Nouvo Souch Fich Pewòl
New Payslip -
Novo Aktif Entanjib
Novo Aktif Entanjib
New Intangible Asset -
Tranzaksyon non klase
Tranzaksyon non klase
Uncategorized transactions -
Jwen ak rekode
Jwen ak rekode
Find & recode -
Pa rekode
Pa rekode
Do not recode -
Rezime sa fèt pou montre bilan apati {1} ak eta pèt e profi pou peryòd soti {0} pou rive {1}
Rezime sa fèt pou montre bilan apati {1} ak eta pèt e profi pou peryòd soti {0} pou rive {1}
This summary is set to show balance sheet as at {1} and profit and loss statement for the period from {0} to {1}. -
Genyen {0} tranzaksyon date apre {1} pa konsekan yo pa konte nan tablo sa.
Genyen {0} tranzaksyon date apre {1} pa konsekan yo pa konte nan tablo sa.
There are {0} transactions dated after {1} therefore they are not accounted for in this view. -
Souch Fich Pewòl Rekiran
Souch Fich Pewòl Rekiran
Recurring Payslip -
Nouvo Souch Fich Pewòl Rekiran
Nouvo Souch Fich Pewòl Rekiran
New Recurring Payslip -
Souch Fich Pewòl Rekiran
Souch Fich Pewòl Rekiran
Recurring Payslips
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