Planul de conturi
Planul de conturi
Chart of Accounts -
Rezumatul taxelor
Rezumatul taxelor
Tax Summary -
Name of field in which user chooses customer statement type ("outstanding invoices" or "account activity")
Status -
Sold final
Sold final
Closing balance -
Reconciled -
Print -
La data de {0}
La data de {0}
As at {0} -
Pentru perioada de la {0} la {1}
Pentru perioada de la {0} la {1}
For the period from {0} to {1} -
Cont nou
Cont nou
New Account -
Total {0}
Total {0}
Total {0} -
{0} D
{0} D
{0} Dr -
{0} Cr -
Total credite
Total credite
Total credits -
Total debite
Total debite
Total debits -
Rulaj net
Rulaj net
Net movement -
Sold iniţial
Sold iniţial
Opening balance -
Taxe datorate
Taxe datorate
Tax liability -
Include {0}
Include {0}
Includes {0} -
Achitat suplimentar
Achitat suplimentar
Overpaid -
Data emiterii
Data emiterii
Issue date
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