Wenn du en begrenzte Biitrag erstellsch, wird er nur für d'Benutzer sichtbar sii wo du i din Aspekt tue hesch (Oder i dini Aspekt, wennd mehreri usgwählt häsch). Benutzer wo nöd i dem oder dene Apekt sind hend kei Möglichkeit din begrenzte Biitrag z'gseh.
Wenn du en begrenzte Biitrag erstellsch, wird er nur für d'Benutzer sichtbar sii wo du i din Aspekt tue hesch (Oder i dini Aspekt, wennd mehreri usgwählt häsch). Benutzer wo nöd i dem oder dene Apekt sind hend kei Möglichkeit din begrenzte Biitrag z'gseh.
If you make a limited post, it will only be visible to the people you had placed in that aspect (or aspects, if it is made to multiple aspects) before making the post. Contacts you have who aren’t in the aspect have no way of seeing the post. Limited posts will never be visible to anyone who you haven’t placed into one of your aspects. -
Chan ich d'Biiträg eh mim Stream of die vo bestemmte Aspekt beschränke?
Chan ich d'Biiträg eh mim Stream of die vo bestemmte Aspekt beschränke?
Can I restrict the posts in my stream to just those from certain aspects? -
Jo. Klick zerscht of "Miini Aspekt" eh de Siiteliischte ond denne klick einzelni Aspekt, om si abzwähle. Ahschlüssend wärde nor noh Biiträg vo Persone os de usgwählte Aspekte em Stream ahzeigt.
Jo. Klick zerscht of "Miini Aspekt" eh de Siiteliischte ond denne klick einzelni Aspekt, om si abzwähle. Ahschlüssend wärde nor noh Biiträg vo Persone os de usgwählte Aspekte em Stream ahzeigt.
Yes. Click “My aspects” in the side-bar and then click individual aspects in the list to select or deselect them. Only the posts by people in the selected aspects will appear in your stream. -
Wösse mini Kontökt i welne Aspekt mini Kontäkt send?
Wösse mini Kontökt i welne Aspekt mini Kontäkt send?
Do my contacts know which aspects I have put them in? -
Nei. Si chönne de Name vom Aspekt onder kene Bedingige gseh
Nei. Si chönne de Name vom Aspekt onder kene Bedingige gseh
No. They cannot see the name of the aspect under any circumstances. -
Wenn ich öpper vo eim oder mehrere Aspekte entferne, ehrfahrt die Person das?
Wenn ich öpper vo eim oder mehrere Aspekte entferne, ehrfahrt die Person das?
If I remove someone from an aspect, or all of my aspects, are they notified of this? -
Nei. Sie werdes ou ned erfahre wenn du si zo wiitere Aspekt henzuefüegsch, wenn du met ehne scho diini Inhält duesch teile.
Nei. Sie werdes ou ned erfahre wenn du si zo wiitere Aspekt henzuefüegsch, wenn du met ehne scho diini Inhält duesch teile.
No. They are also not notified if you add them to more aspects, when you are already sharing with them. -
Wie duen ich en Aspekt ombenenne?
Wie duen ich en Aspekt ombenenne?
How do I rename an aspect? -
Click “My aspects” in the side-bar from a stream view and click the pencil icon by the aspect you want to rename, or go to your Contacts page and select the relevant aspect. Then click the edit icon next to the aspect name at the top of this page, change the name and press “Update”.
Wenn ich öppis posted ha, chann ich no d'Aspekt(e) wos chöne gseh ändere?
Wenn ich öppis posted ha, chann ich no d'Aspekt(e) wos chöne gseh ändere?
Once I have posted something, can I change the aspect(s) that can see it? -
Nei, aber du chasch emmer en neue Biitrag mache met em gliiche Inhalt ond zomene andere Aspekt henzuefüege.
Nei, aber du chasch emmer en neue Biitrag mache met em gliiche Inhalt ond zomene andere Aspekt henzuefüege.
No, but you can always make a new post with the same content and post it to a different aspect. -
Chan ich Sache zo mehrere Aspekt gliichzitig henzuefüege?
Chan ich Sache zo mehrere Aspekt gliichzitig henzuefüege?
Can I post content to multiple aspects at once? -
Yes. When you are making a post, use the aspect selector button to select or deselect aspects. “All aspects” is the default setting. Your post will be visible to all the aspects you select. You could also select the aspects you want to post to in the side-bar. When you post, the aspect(s) that you have selected in the list on the left will automatically be selected in the aspect selector when you start to make a new post.
Chan ich en Person zo mehrere Aspekt henzuefüege?
Chan ich en Person zo mehrere Aspekt henzuefüege?
Can I add a person to multiple aspects? -
Yes. Go to your contacts page and click on “My contacts”. For each contact you can use the menu on the right to add them to (or remove them from) as many aspects as you want. Or you can add them to a new aspect (or remove them from an aspect) by clicking the aspect selector button on their profile page. Or you can even just move the pointer over their name where you see it in the stream, and a “hovercard” will appear. You can change the aspects they are in right there.
Wie chan ich en Aspekt lösche?
Wie chan ich en Aspekt lösche?
How do I delete an aspect? -
Click “My aspects” in the side-bar from a stream view and click the pencil icon by the aspect you want to delete, or go to your Contacts page and select the relevant aspect. Then click the trash icon in the top right of the page.
Mentions -
Was isch en "Erwähnig"?
Was isch en "Erwähnig"?
What is a “mention”? -
A mention is a link to a person’s profile page that appears in a post. When someone is mentioned they receive a notification that calls their attention to the post.