Remove as admin
Make moderator
Remove as moderator
Add to community spotlight
Remove from community spotlight
%{name} has been made an admin.
%{name} has been removed from the list of admins.
%{name} has been made a moderator.
%{name} has been removed from the list of moderators.
%{name} has been added to community spotlight.
%{name} has been removed from community spotlight.
User does not exist!
%{name} has already been given this role!
%{name} has already been removed from this role!
This protocol is currently in the experimental stage and the success of interactions using it will depend on your browser. If you want to manage or remove this handler, you will do this via your browser settings. The button below will always be enabled, and you need to set the handler separately in each browser you use.
You are going to ignore that user. Are you sure?
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