Try followin things like #treasure, #rum, #wenches, etc.
Try followin things like #treasure, #rum, #wenches, etc.
Follow settins' changed
Follow settins' changed
Blimey! Follow settins' change failed.
Blimey! Follow settins' change failed.
A post from matey %{name}
A post from matey %{name}
Aye, searchin', be patient matey...
Aye, searchin', be patient matey...
the one ye come aboard with...
the one ye come aboard with...
must be at least six characters matey
must be at least six characters matey
The invite link ye provided is no longer valid ye scalawag! Yar!
The invite link ye provided is no longer valid ye scalawag! Yar!
One invite be left on this code Blimey! No invites left on this code Ye got %{count} invites left on this code ZeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0Blimey! No invites left on this code
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1One invite be left on this code
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything elseYe got %{count} invites left on this code
Weekly matey stats
Weekly matey stats
Ship stats
Ship stats
Keep %{pod} sailing swift and buy the ships some new sails with a monthly gold donation! Argh!
Keep %{pod} sailing swift and buy the ships some new sails with a monthly gold donation! Argh!
Ye can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas.
Ye can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas.
Add ye old invites
Add ye old invites
Email to invite mateys
Email to invite mateys
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