What do the tags in my basic profile do?
They help people get to know you. Your profile picture will also appear on the left-hand side of the stream pages of those tags, along with anyone else who has them in their basic profile.
How do I stop someone’s posts from appearing in my stream?
If you are currently sharing with that person, removing them from your aspects will stop many of their posts from appearing in your stream. A more complete method is to “ignore” that account. This will prevent any of their posts from appearing in your stream, and they will no longer be able to like or comment on your posts. They will, however, still be able to reshare your posts, comment on reshares of your posts, and their comments on posts by other people which appear in your stream will still be visible to you.
To ignore an account, click the “ignore” icon (a circle with a diagonal line through it) at the top right of one of their posts. Their posts will instantly disappear from your stream. Alternatively, go to their profile page and click the ignore icon there. You will still be able to see their posts on their profile page, or by using the single-post view.
A list of people you are ignoring can be found in your account settings under Privacy. To stop ignoring someone, remove them from the list on that page.
zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0
%{actors} have their birthday on %{date}.
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1%{actors} has their birthday on %{date}.
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%{actors} have their birthday on %{date}.
%{name} has their birthday today
%{name} has their birthday today. Wish them 'Happy Birthday'!
View %{name}’s profile >
someone has their birthday
(Last updated %{timeago})
failed to be processed
is not of an allowed file type
could not be downloaded
You are not allowed to upload %{extension} files, allowed types: %{allowed_types}
You are not allowed to upload %{extension} files, prohibited types: %{prohibited_types}
You are not allowed to upload %{content_type} files
You are not allowed to upload %{content_type} files
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