OMG, i like... have an issue!
OMG, i like... have an issue!
bug -
... do u like... have a %{link} suggestion?
... do u like... have a %{link} suggestion?
... have a %{link} suggestion? -
cool new thang
cool new thang
feature -
connect like... other stuff..
connect like... other stuff..
Connect services -
U can like... connect the followin things 2 d*:
U can like... connect the followin things 2 d*:
You can connect the following services to diaspora*: -
stay like... up 2 date
stay like... up 2 date
Stay updated -
Ur wall has like... ur BFFs n tagz n junk on it...
Ur wall has like... ur BFFs n tagz n junk on it...
Your main stream is populated with all of your contacts, tags you follow, and posts from some creative members of the community. -
The person was like... removed.. n stuff...
The person was like... removed.. n stuff...
Successfully removed person from aspect. -
The person was not like... removed... sry bout that :\
The person was not like... removed... sry bout that :\
Failed to remove person from aspect. -
like... we couldnt find the ppl u picked in that aspect... sry bout tht :\
like... we couldnt find the ppl u picked in that aspect... sry bout tht :\
Could not find the selected person in that aspect. -
save page thingy
save page thingy
Bookmarklet -
put it on d* n stuff
put it on d* n stuff
Post to diaspora* -
post 2 d* from like.. anywhere by like... saving this thing => %{link}
post 2 d* from like.. anywhere by like... saving this thing => %{link}
Post to diaspora* from anywhere by bookmarking this link => %{link}. -
say somethin
say somethin
Comment -
sayin somethin
sayin somethin
Commenting... -
start a like... convo
start a like... convo
Start a conversation -
Contacts -
u like... need 2 add sum ppl
u like... need 2 add sum ppl
Looks like you need to add some contacts! -
OMG! u should like... check out %{community_spotlight}
OMG! u should like... check out %{community_spotlight}
Check out %{community_spotlight} -
d* celebz <33
d* celebz
33Community spotlight
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