is invalid.
is invalid.
ye inválidu. -
is already taken.
is already taken.
yá ta ocupáu. -
is invalid. We only allow letters, numbers, and underscores.
is invalid. We only allow letters, numbers, and underscores.
ye inválidu. Sólo se permiten lletres, númberos y guiones baxos. -
is already taken.
is already taken.
yá ta ocupáu. -
is already taken.
is already taken.
yá ta ocupáu. -
Correct the following errors and try again.
Correct the following errors and try again.
Corrixi los errores siguientes y vuelvi a intentalo. -
Are you sure you want to delete this aspect?
Are you sure you want to delete this aspect?
¿Tas seguru de que quies desaniciar esti aspeutu? -
Contacts in this aspect are able to see each other.
Contacts in this aspect are able to see each other.
Los contactos d'esti aspeutu puen vese unos a otros. -
Contacts in this aspect are not able to see each other.
Contacts in this aspect are not able to see each other.
Los contactos d'esti aspeutu nun puen vese unos a otros. -
You should add some more contacts!
You should add some more contacts!
¡Tendríes d'amestar más contautos! -
Or you can share with %{link}
Or you can share with %{link}
O pues compartir con %{link} -
+ Add an aspect
+ Add an aspect
+ Amestar un aspeutu -
%{name} was successfully removed.
%{name} was successfully removed.
%{name} desanicióse correutamente. -
Your aspect, %{name}, has been successfully edited.
Your aspect, %{name}, has been successfully edited.
Editóse correutamente'l to aspeutu, %{name}. -
Your aspect, %{name}, had too long name to be saved.
Your aspect, %{name}, had too long name to be saved.
El to aspeutu, %{name}, tenía un nome llargu enforma pa poder guardalu. -
Failed to add contact to aspect.
Failed to add contact to aspect.
Nun pudo amestase'l contautu al aspeutu. -
Successfully added contact to aspect.
Successfully added contact to aspect.
Amestóse'l contautu al aspeutu correutamente. -
Familia -
Trabayu -
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