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Change email
Skift e-mail -
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Nyt adgangskode -
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Your diaspora* ID
Your diaspora* ID
Dit Diaspora-ID -
Your email
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Din e-mail -
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Receive email notifications when:
Modtag en besked på e-mail når: -
someone comments on a post you’ve commented on
someone comments on a post you’ve commented on
nogen kommenterer et indlæg du tidligere har kommenteret. -
someone comments on your post
someone comments on your post
nogen kommenterer dit indlæg. -
you are mentioned in a post
you are mentioned in a post
... du er nævnt i et indlæg. -
someone starts sharing with you
someone starts sharing with you
... nogen er begyndt at dele med dig. -
you receive a private message
you receive a private message
... du har modtaget en privat besked. -
someone likes your post
someone likes your post
... nogen synes om dit indlæg. -
someone reshares your post
someone reshares your post
... nogen deler dit indlæg. -
Skift -
We have sent you an activation link to %{unconfirmed_email}. Until you follow this link and activate the new address, we will continue to use your original address %{email}.
We have sent you an activation link to %{unconfirmed_email}. Until you follow this link and activate the new address, we will continue to use your original address %{email}.
Vi har sendt dig et aktiveringslink til %{unconfirmed_email}. Indtil du følger dette link og aktiverer den nye adresse, vil vi fortsætte med at bruge din oprindelige adresse %{email}. -
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