Abschicke... -
Teilä -
What’s on your mind?
What’s on your mind?
Was lauft? -
Discard post
Discard post
Biitrag verwärfe -
neudo -
Hey everyone, I’m #%{new_user_tag}.
Hey everyone, I’m #%{new_user_tag}.
Hoi zämä I bi #%{new_user_tag}. -
I’m interested in %{tags}.
I’m interested in %{tags}.
I intressier mich für %{tags}. -
Thanks for the invite,
Thanks for the invite,
Danke für d'Iilagig, -
Iiladige -
Invite your friends
Invite your friends
Lad dini Kollege ii -
Invite people by email
Invite people by email
Lad Lüüt per email ii -
Control your audience
Control your audience
Kontrollier dini Ziilgruppe -
Use #hashtags to classify your posts and find people who share your interests. Call out awesome people with @Mentions
Use #hashtags to classify your posts and find people who share your interests. Call out awesome people with @Mentions
Benutz #hashtags zum dini Biiträg z'tägge und lüüt mit ähnliche intresse z'finde. Erwähn anderi Lüüt mit @Mentions -
Use this dropdown to change visibility of your post. (We suggest you make this first one public.)
Use this dropdown to change visibility of your post. (We suggest you make this first one public.)
Zum iistelle wär din post gseh dörf benutz s'dropdown menü. (Mer empfehled din erschtä Biitrag öffentlich z'mache, wellen susch niemert gseht ^^ ) -
Set up connected services
Set up connected services
Verbundeni Dienscht verwalte -
Teilä -
Public messages will be available for others outside of diaspora* to see.
Public messages will be available for others outside of diaspora* to see.
Öffentlichi Biiträg sind für's gsamte Internet sichtbar. -
Logged in to %{service}
Logged in to %{service}
Igglogt in %{service} -
Manage connected services
Manage connected services
Verbundeni Dienscht verwalte -
Atom feed
Atom feed
Atom feed
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