Third-party tools
Third-party tools
Drittaawendige -
”Getting started” tutorial series
”Getting started” tutorial series
"Erschti Schritt" Aaleitige -
Getting help
Getting help
Hilf übercho -
Help! I need some basic help to get me started!
Help! I need some basic help to get me started!
Hilfe, ich bruch grundsätzlichi Hilf um mich do z'rächt finde. -
You’re in luck. Try the %{tutorial_series} on our project site. It will take you step-by-step through the registration process and teach you all the basic things you need to know about using diaspora*.
You’re in luck. Try the %{tutorial_series} on our project site. It will take you step-by-step through the registration process and teach you all the basic things you need to know about using diaspora*.
Du hesch Glück, lueg dir mol die %{tutorial_series} uf üsere Projektsiite aa, sie wird dich Schritt für Schritt dur de Aameldigsprozess begleite und dir alles notwendige über d'Nutzig vo diaspora* biibringe. -
What if my question is not answered in this FAQ? Where else can I get support?
What if my question is not answered in this FAQ? Where else can I get support?
Was wenn mini Froge i de FAQ nöd beantwortet werdet? Wo chum i suscht hilf über? -
Visit our %{link}
Visit our %{link}
Bsuech üsen %{link} -
Check out our %{tutorials}
Check out our %{tutorials}
Lueg der üsi %{tutorials} aa. -
Search the %{link}
Search the %{link}
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Join us on %{irc} (live chat)
Join us on %{irc} (live chat)
Nimm am %{irc} (Live chat) teil -
Ask in a public post on diaspora* using the %{question} hashtag
Ask in a public post on diaspora* using the %{question} hashtag
Stell uf diaspora* e frog mithilf vomene öffentliche post du de hashtag %{question} beinhaltet -
Account and data management
Account and data management
Konto- und Dateverwaltig -
How do I move my seed (account) from one pod to another?
How do I move my seed (account) from one pod to another?
Wie chan i mis Konto uf en andere Pod verschiebe? -
Version of diaspora* provides the first stage of account migration: you can now export all your data from the “Account” section of the user settings. Keep your data safely! In a future release you will be able to migrate your whole account, including posts and contacts, to another pod.
Version of diaspora* provides the first stage of account migration: you can now export all your data from the “Account” section of the user settings. Keep your data safely! In a future release you will be able to migrate your whole account, including posts and contacts, to another pod.
In Zuekunft wirsch du d'Möglichkeit haa dis Konto z'exportiere und ufeme andere Pod z'importiere, aber das funktioniert im moment nonig. Du chasch jedoch es neus Konto eröffne dini Kontäkt neu hinzuefüege und sie aafroge wiederum mit dir z'teile. -
Can I download a copy of all of my data contained in my seed (account)?
Can I download a copy of all of my data contained in my seed (account)?
Chan ich ali Date wo i uf mim Konto gspeicheret sind abelade? -
Yes. At the bottom of the Account tab of your settings page you will find two buttons: one for downloading your data and one for downloading your photos.
Yes. At the bottom of the Account tab of your settings page you will find two buttons: one for downloading your data and one for downloading your photos.
Jo, und im bereich Konto i dine Iistellige sind zwei Schaltfläche mit dene du dini Date oder Fotis abelade chasch. -
How do I delete my seed (account)?
How do I delete my seed (account)?
Wie chan i mis Konto lösche? -
Go to the bottom of your settings page and click the “Close account” button. You will be asked to enter your password to complete the process. Remember, if you close your account, you will <strong>never</strong> be able to re-register your username on that pod.
Go to the bottom of your settings page and click the “Close account” button. You will be asked to enter your password to complete the process. Remember, if you close your account, you will
be able to re-register your username on that pod.Gang as Endi vo dine Konto-Iistellige und druck uf "Konto schlüsse". Zum das abzschlüsse wirsch du denn ufgforderet dis Passwort iizgäh. Denk drah: Wenn du dis Konto schlüssisch chasch du dich uf dem Pod<strong>
nie meh</strong>
mit em gliiche Benutzername registriere. -
How much of my information can my pod administrator see?
How much of my information can my pod administrator see?
Wievil Informatione gseht de Administrator vo mim Pod? -
In short: everything. Communication between pods is always encrypted (using SSL and diaspora*’s own transport encryption), but the storage of data on pods is not encrypted. If they wanted to, the database administrator for your pod (usually the person running the pod) could access all your profile data and everything that you post (as is the case for most websites that store user data). This is why we give you the choice which pod you sign up to, so you can choose a pod whose admin you are happy to trust with your data. Running your own pod provides more privacy since you then control access to the database.
In short: everything. Communication between pods is always encrypted (using SSL and diaspora*’s own transport encryption), but the storage of data on pods is not encrypted. If they wanted to, the database administrator for your pod (usually the person running the pod) could access all your profile data and everything that you post (as is the case for most websites that store user data). This is why we give you the choice which pod you sign up to, so you can choose a pod whose admin you are happy to trust with your data. Running your own pod provides more privacy since you then control access to the database.
Die Kommunikation *zwischen* Pods läuft immer verschlüsselt ab (via SSL und diaspora*s eigener Transport-Verschlüsselung), aber gespeichert werden die Daten unverschlüsselt. Wenn er wollte, könnte der Datenbank-Administrator deines Pods (normalerweise die Person, die den Pod betreibt) auf deine gesamten Kontodaten und alles, was du postest, zugreifen (wie auch bei den meisten anderen Webseiten, die Benutzerdaten speichern). Das Betreiben eines eigenen Pods gibt dir mehr Sicherheit, weil du dann den Zugriff auf die Datenbank kontrollierst.