The post/comment was not found. It seems that it was deleted by the user!
The post/comment was not found. It seems that it was deleted by the user!
De Biitrag/Kommentar isch nöd gfunde worde. Gseht us als wär er vom Benutzer glöscht worde! -
someone sends a report
someone sends a report
öpper en Biitrag meldet -
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Keyboard shortcuts
Tastaturchürzel -
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Mark all shown as read
Mark all shown as read
Alli als glese markiere -
By creating an account you accept the %{terms_link}.
By creating an account you accept the %{terms_link}.
Wenn du en neue Account machsch akzeptiersch du d'%{terms_link} -
terms of service
terms of service
AGB's -
Add contact
Add contact
Kontakt hinzuefüege -
Contact search
Contact search
Kontakt Suechi -
You have reached the end of the stream.
You have reached the end of the stream.
Du bisch am Endi vom Stream aacho. -
There are no posts yet.
There are no posts yet.
Es git no kei Biiträg. -
You are not currently ignoring any other user
You are not currently ignoring any other user
Du ignoriersch im Moment kei anderi Benutzer. -
1 person tagged with %{tag} No one tagged with %{tag} %{count} people tagged with %{tag} ZeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0No one tagged with %{tag}
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 11 person tagged with %{tag}
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%{count} people tagged with %{tag}
zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0Niemert isch taggt mit %{tag}
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1Öpper isch mit %{tag} taggt
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%{count} Lüüt sind mit %{tag} taggt
Hide and mute conversation
Hide and mute conversation
S'Gpröch verstecke und stumm schalte -
Conversation successfully deleted
Conversation successfully deleted
Gspröch erfolgriich glöscht -
Conversation successfully hidden
Conversation successfully hidden
Gspröch erfolgriich versteckt -
There’s a new private message in diaspora* for you to check out.
There’s a new private message in diaspora* for you to check out.
Es git e neue pivati Nochricht für dich uf diaspora* -
There’s a new comment on a limited post in diaspora* for you to check out.
There’s a new comment on a limited post in diaspora* for you to check out.
Es git en neue Kommentar zumene begrenzte Biitrag uf diaspora* -
Statistike -
r – Reshare the current post
r – Reshare the current post
r - de aktivi Biitrag wiitersägä