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Du hesch kei Benochrichtigunge bis etz. -
%{name} (remove)
%{name} (remove)
%{name} (entferne) -
%{name} (add)
%{name} (add)
%{name} (hinzuefüege) -
Are you sure you want to lock this account?
Are you sure you want to lock this account?
Bisch sicher das da Konto sperre wötsch? -
Ctrl+Enter – Send the message you are writing
Ctrl+Enter – Send the message you are writing
Ctrl + Enter - Send d'Nochricht wo'd am schriibe bisch -
Your photos are ready for download, %{name}
Your photos are ready for download, %{name}
Dini Fotis sind parat zum abelade, %{name} -
Hello %{name}, Your photos have been processed and are ready for download by following [this link](%{url}). Cheers, The diaspora* email robot!
Hello %{name},
Your photos have been processed and are ready for download by following [this link](%{url}).
The diaspora* email robot!Hallo %{name}
Dini Fotis sind verarbeitet und parat zum abelade. Benutz [de Link](%{url}).
Alles Gueti
De diaspora* E-Mail Roboter! -
There was an issue with your photos, %{name}
There was an issue with your photos, %{name}
%{name} es het es Problem mit dine Fotis geh -
Download my photos
Download my photos
Mini Fotis abelade -
Request my photos
Request my photos
Mini Fotis aafordere -
Refresh my photos
Refresh my photos
Mini Fotis aktualisiere -
We are currently processing your photos. Please check back in a few moments.
We are currently processing your photos. Please check back in a few moments.
Mir verarbeitet grad dini Fotis, bitte lueg chli spöter nomal verbii. -
Please make your tag name fewer than %{count} characters. Right now it is %{current_length} characters
Please make your tag name fewer than %{count} characters. Right now it is %{current_length} characters
Bitte mach din Tag-Name chürzer als %{count} Zeiche. Im Moment isch er %{current_length} Zeiche lang. -
You don't have any contacts in this aspect yet. Below is a list of your existing contacts which you can add to this aspect.
You don't have any contacts in this aspect yet. Below is a list of your existing contacts which you can add to this aspect.
Du hesch no kei Kontäkt i dem Apekt bis etz. Une isch e Lischte vo dine existierende Kontäkt wo du chasch zu dem Aspekt hinzuefüege. -
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Your email will never be seen by other users
Dini E-Mail wird nie andere Benutzer aazeigt -
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