Make something
Make something
Machen Sie etwas -
Current server date is %{date}
Current server date is %{date}
Das aktuelle Serverdatum ist %{date} -
Number of new users this week: %{count} Number of new users this week: none Number of new users this week: %{count} ZeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0Number of new users this week: none
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1Number of new users this week: %{count}
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything elseNumber of new users this week: %{count}
zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0Anzahl neuer Benutzer in dieser Woche: keine
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1Anzahl neuer Benutzer in dieser Woche: %{count}
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything elseAnzahl neuer Benutzer in dieser Woche: %{count}
Download the source code package
Download the source code package
Quelltextpaket herunterladen -
Password confirmation
Password confirmation
Passwort bestätigen -
Please enter at least one email address.
Please enter at least one email address.
Bitte mindestens eine E-Mail-Adresse eingeben. -
Invitations have already been sent to: %{emails}
Invitations have already been sent to: %{emails}
Es wurde bereits eine Einladung an %{emails} gesendet -
Got a problem?
Got a problem?
Problem entdeckt? -
Contact the administrator of your pod!
Contact the administrator of your pod!
Kontaktieren Sie den Administrator Ihres Pods! -
Podmin email
Podmin email
Podmin E-Mail -
Suggest a member
Suggest a member
Ein Mitglied vorschlagen -
Sidekiq monitor
Sidekiq monitor
Sidekiq-Monitor -
Connecting to third-party sharing services gives you the ability to publish your posts to them as you write them in diaspora*.
Connecting to third-party sharing services gives you the ability to publish your posts to them as you write them in diaspora*.
Wenn Sie sich mit anderen Diensten verbinden, erhalten Sie die Möglichkeit ihre Beiträge auch dort zu veröffentlichen, indem Sie in diaspora* schreiben. -
Get your location
Get your location
Ihren Standort ermitteln -
Show users that are under 13 (COPPA)
Show users that are under 13 (COPPA)
Zeige Benutzer, die unter 13 Jahre alt sind (COPPA) -
Sending invitation...
Sending invitation...
Sende Einladung... -
Access level is read-only, please try to authorize again later
Access level is read-only, please try to authorize again later
Die Zugriffsebene ist schreibgeschützt. Bitte versuchen Sie sich später noch einmal anzumelden. -
Hilfe -
%{faq}, %{tutorial} & %{wiki}: help for your first steps.
%{faq}, %{tutorial} & %{wiki}: help for your first steps.
%{faq}, %{tutorial} & %{wiki}: Hilfe für Ihre ersten Schritte. -