Reshare %{author}’s post?
Reshare %{author}’s post?
R35P4M %{author}'s 5P4M? -
Original post deleted by author.
Original post deleted by author.
0R1G1N4L 5P4M PWND BY 4U7H0R! -
%{resharer}’s reshare of %{author}’s post
%{resharer}’s reshare of %{author}’s post
%{resharer}'s R35P4M 0F %{author}'s 5P4M -
Logged in as %{nickname}.
Logged in as %{nickname}.
L0GG3D 1N 45 -
D15C0NN3C7 -
Disconnect %{service}?
Disconnect %{service}?
D15C0NN3C7 %{service}? -
Edit services
Edit services
3D17 53RV1C35! -
Authentication successful.
Authentication successful.
4U7H3N71F1C4710N 5UCC355FULL -
Authentication failed.
Authentication failed.
4cc355 d3n!3d -
A user with diaspora id %{diaspora_id} already authorized that %{service_name} account.
A user with diaspora id %{diaspora_id} already authorized that %{service_name} account.
@ N00B W17H d1@5P0RA 1D %{diaspora_id} @1R34DY @U7H0R1Z3D 7H47 %{service_name} @CC0UN7. -
Successfully deleted authentication.
Successfully deleted authentication.
5UCC35FULLY D3L373D 4U7H3N71F1C4710N! -
There was an error connecting to that service
There was an error connecting to that service
3RR0R C0NN3C71NG 7H47 53RV1C3! -
All right, you won’t see that user in your stream again. #silencio!
All right, you won’t see that user in your stream again. #silencio!
411 R1GH7, U W0N'7 533 7H47 N00B 1N UR 57R34M 4641N. #51L3NC10! -
I couldn’t ignore that user. #evasion
I couldn’t ignore that user. #evasion
Let’s see what they have to say! #sayhello
Let’s see what they have to say! #sayhello
137'5 533 WH47 7H3Y H4V3 2 54Y! #54YH3LL0 -
I couldn’t stop ignoring that user. #evasion
I couldn’t stop ignoring that user. #evasion
C0U1DN'7 570P 1GN0R1NG 7H47 N00B. #3V4510N -
In %{count} aspect In %{count} aspects oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1In %{count} aspect
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything elseIn %{count} aspects
zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 04DD N00B
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 11N %{count} 45P3C7
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else1N %{count} 45P3C75
5P4MM1NG... -
5P4M -
What’s on your mind?
What’s on your mind?
WH475 0N Y0UR M1ND?
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