Stop ignoring
Stop ignoring
Stop ignorin hater -
Your account has been locked. It may take 20 minutes for us to finish closing your account. Thank you for trying diaspora*.
Your account has been locked. It may take 20 minutes for us to finish closing your account. Thank you for trying diaspora*.
Ur account has like... been locked. and it like.. may take like 20 mins for us 2 like... finish closin ur account.. thx for checkin out d*. byezz<
33 -
The entered password didn’t match your current password.
The entered password didn’t match your current password.
so like, the passwerd u entered didnt match ur like... current 1... yeah. -
diaspora*’s community is happy to have you aboard!
diaspora*’s community is happy to have you aboard!
omg, like, thx for comin!<
3 -
Hashtags allow you to talk about and follow your interests. They’re also a great way to find new people on diaspora*.
Hashtags allow you to talk about and follow your interests. They’re also a great way to find new people on diaspora*.
Ok so like, hashtags allow u 2 talk bout n follow ur interests. theyre like... also a sweet way 2 find new ppl on d* :D -
Password changed. You can now log in with your new password.
Password changed. You can now log in with your new password.
Passwerd changed! U can nao check in wit ur new passwerd!<
33 :D -
Searching, please be patient...
Searching, please be patient...
im lookin, brb...<
3 -
Hello! You have been invited to join diaspora* by %{user}! Click this link to get started [%{invite_url}][1] Or you can add %{diaspora_id} to your contacts if you already have an account. Love, The diaspora* email robot! P.S.: Just in case you don't know (yet) what diaspora* is, [here][2] is the answer! [1]: %{invite_url} [2]: %{diasporafoundation_url}
You have been invited to join diaspora* by %{user}!
Click this link to get started
Or you can add %{diaspora_id} to your contacts if you already have an account.
The diaspora* email robot!
P.S.: Just in case you don't know (yet) what diaspora* is, [here][2] is the answer!
[1]: %{invite_url}
[2]: %{diasporafoundation_url}Ohai!
U have like... been invited 2 join diaspora*!
Click this link thingy 2 like.. get started
The d* email robot!
[1]: %{invite_url} -
You were invited by
You were invited by
u were like... invited by -
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User search
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Weekly user stats
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Pod stats
Pod statsss<
3 -
Via mobile
Via mobile
via mobilez!! -
You currently have one invite left %{link} You currently have no invites left %{link} You currently have %{count} invites left %{link} ZeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0You currently have no invites left %{link}
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1You currently have one invite left %{link}
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything elseYou currently have %{count} invites left %{link}
zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0u like... have no invites left %{link} :\
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1u only have 1 invite left %{link}
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything elseu have like... %{count} invites left %{link}
Add invites
Add invites
add invites!!<
3 -
Email to invite
Email to invite
Email for the ppl 2 invite<
3 -
go!! -
Create account
Create account
3 -