tmblr -
333 -
WurdPress -
ConnectFour bahahaha OMG! -
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There are no services available on this pod.
so like... there are no services that this pod can like... connect to... sry bout tht.. :c -
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Currently not logged in.
ur like.. currently not logged in and stuffz -
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U arent followin any tags bruh :c -
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no one will see ur email bruh! -
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No subjieeee -
You are not allowed to do that.
You are not allowed to do that.
So like, ur not allowed to do tht... -
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Duplicate record rejected.
That invite code is no longer valid
That invite code is no longer valid
Tht invite code is like.. no longer valid... sry bout tht.. :/ -
You are not allowed to do that
You are not allowed to do that
So like, ur not allowed to do tht... -
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