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Edit account
Muuda konto seadeid -
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Receive email notifications when:
Saa e-posti teavitusi kui: -
someone comments on a post you’ve commented on
someone comments on a post you’ve commented on
keegi kommenteerib postitust mida kommenteerisid -
someone comments on your post
someone comments on your post
keegi kommenteerib sinu postitust -
you are mentioned in a post
you are mentioned in a post
sind mainitakse postituses -
someone starts sharing with you
someone starts sharing with you
keegi alustab sinuga jagamist -
you receive a private message
you receive a private message
sulle on privaatsõnum -
someone likes your post
someone likes your post
kellegile meeldib sinu postitus -
someone reshares your post
someone reshares your post
keegi jagab sinu postitust -
Muuda -
We have sent you an activation link to %{unconfirmed_email}. Until you follow this link and activate the new address, we will continue to use your original address %{email}.
We have sent you an activation link to %{unconfirmed_email}. Until you follow this link and activate the new address, we will continue to use your original address %{email}.
Saatsime aktiveerimislingi %{unconfirmed_email}. Seni kuni uue aadressi aktiveerimiseni jätkame vana %{email} aadressi kasutamist. -
Stream preferences
Stream preferences
Voo eelistused -
Show “community spotlight” in stream
Show “community spotlight” in stream
Show “getting started” hints
Show “getting started” hints
Sharing settings
Sharing settings
Jagamise seaded -
Automatically share with users who start sharing with you
Automatically share with users who start sharing with you
Jaga automaatselt kasutajatega kes alustavad sinuga jagamist -
Aspect for users you automatically share with:
Aspect for users you automatically share with:
Aspekt kasutajatele kelleg automaatselt jagad: -
Hey, please don’t go!
Hey, please don’t go!
Ära palun mine! -
We’d love you to stay and help us make diaspora* better instead of leaving. If you really do want to leave, however, here’s what will happen next:
We’d love you to stay and help us make diaspora* better instead of leaving. If you really do want to leave, however, here’s what will happen next:
Mr Wiggles will be sad to see you go
Mr Wiggles will be sad to see you go