Recovery codes
Recovery codes
Códigos de recuperación -
Alternatively, you can use one of the recovery codes.
Alternatively, you can use one of the recovery codes.
De xeito alternativo, podes utilizar un dos códigos de recuperación. -
If you ever lose access to your phone, you can use one of the recovery codes below to regain access to your account. Keep the recovery codes safe. For example, you may print them and store them with other important documents.
If you ever lose access to your phone, you can use one of the recovery codes below to regain access to your account. Keep the recovery codes safe. For example, you may print them and store them with other important documents.
Se perdeses o acceso ao teléfono, podes utilizar un dos códigos de recuperación inferiores para recuperar o acceso a conta. Gárdaos nun lugar seguro. Por exemplo, podes imprimilos e gardalos xunto a outros documentos importantes. -
Recovery codes allow you to regain access to your account if you lose your phone. Note that you can use each recovery code only once.
Recovery codes allow you to regain access to your account if you lose your phone. Note that you can use each recovery code only once.
Os códigos de recuperación permítenche recuperar o acceso a túa conta se perdes o teléfono. Ten en conta de que podes utilizar cada código só unha vez. -
If you've lost your recovery codes, you can regenerate them here. Your old recovery codes will be invalidated.
If you've lost your recovery codes, you can regenerate them here. Your old recovery codes will be invalidated.
Se perdeches os códigos de recuperación, podes voltar a crealos aquí. Os códigos antigos quedarán invalidados. -
Generate new recovery codes
Generate new recovery codes
Xerar novos códigos de recuperación -
Successfully activated two-factor authentication
Successfully activated two-factor authentication
Activado correctamente o segundo factor de autenticación -
Successfully deactivated two-factor authentication
Successfully deactivated two-factor authentication
Desactivado correctamente o segundo factor de autenticación -
Token was incorrect or invalid
Token was incorrect or invalid
O testemuño é incorrecto ou non válido -
Part of the %{diaspora_site_link}
Part of the %{diaspora_site_link}
Parte da %{diaspora_site_link} -
diaspora* federated network
diaspora* federated network
rede federada diaspora* -
This pod is currently closed to new registrations. However, you can still join the diaspora* network by registering on %{wiki}. Because all pods are interconnected, you will have access to the same content there.
This pod is currently closed to new registrations. However, you can still join the diaspora* network by registering on %{wiki}. Because all pods are interconnected, you will have access to the same content there.
Actualmente esta instancia ten o rexistro pechado. Porén, podes igualmente unirte a rede diaspora* rexistrándote en %{wiki}. Como todos os nodos están conectados, terás acceso ao mesmo contido desde alí. -
another pod
another pod
outra instancia -
There’s a list of pods you can sign up to at %{fediverse_observer}.
There’s a list of pods you can sign up to at %{fediverse_observer}.
Existe unha lista de instancias nas que podes rexistrarse en %{fediverse_observer}. -
If you have any other questions regarding choosing a pod, check out our %{wiki}.If you have any other questions regarding choosing a pod, check out our %{wiki}.Se tes preguntas sobre a elección dunha instancia, lé a nosa %{wiki}.
Comment creation has failed
Comment creation has failed
Fallou a creación do comentario -
Comment %{id} has been successfully deleted
Comment %{id} has been successfully deleted
Eliminouse o comentario con %{id} -
Comment deletion has failed
Comment deletion has failed
Non se borrou o comentario -
Post or comment not found
Post or comment not found
Non se atopou a publicación ou comentario -
Conversation not found
Conversation not found
Non se atopou a conversa