Switch to standard mode
Switch to standard mode
Activa para o modo estándar -
Two-factor authentication
Two-factor authentication
Autenticación con segundo factor -
Two-factor authentication is a powerful way to ensure you are the only one able to sign in to your account. When signing in, you will enter a 6-digit code along with your password to prove your identity. Be careful though: if you lose your phone and the recovery codes created when you activate this feature, access to your diaspora* account will be blocked forever.
Two-factor authentication is a powerful way to ensure you are the only one able to sign in to your account. When signing in, you will enter a 6-digit code along with your password to prove your identity. Be careful though: if you lose your phone and the recovery codes created when you activate this feature, access to your diaspora* account will be blocked forever.
A autenticación con segundo factor é unha ferramenta poderosa para asegurar que ti es a única persoa que pode conectar a túa conta. Ao conectarse, deberás introducir un código de 6 díxitos xunto co contrasinal para demostrar a túa identidade. Porén ten coidado: se perdes o teléfono e os códigos de recuperación creados cando activas esta característica, perderás o acceso a diaspora* de xeito permanente. -
Two-factor authentication activated
Two-factor authentication activated
Segundo factor de autenticación activado -
Deactivate two-factor authentication by entering your password
Deactivate two-factor authentication by entering your password
Desactivar autenticación con segundo factor introducindo o teu contrasinal -
Desactivar -
Two-factor authentication not activated
Two-factor authentication not activated
Autenticación con segundo factor non activada -
Activate two-factor authentication
Activate two-factor authentication
Activar segundo factor -
Activar -
Confirm activation
Confirm activation
Confirmar activación -
Two-factor authentication is not fully activated yet, you need to confirm activation with a TOTP token
Two-factor authentication is not fully activated yet, you need to confirm activation with a TOTP token
O segundo factor non está activado por completo, debes confirmar a activación co testemuño TOTP -
Scan the QR code
Scan the QR code
Escanear o código QR -
Please scan the QR code with a TOTP capable app, such as andOTP (Android), FreeOTP (iOS), SailOTP (SailfishOS).
Please scan the QR code with a TOTP capable app, such as andOTP (Android), FreeOTP (iOS), SailOTP (SailfishOS).
Por favor escanea o código QR cunha app habilitada como TOTP, como andOTP (android), FreeOTP (iOS), SailOTP (SailfishOS) -
In case you can’t scan the QR code automatically you can manually enter the secret in your app.
In case you can’t scan the QR code automatically you can manually enter the secret in your app.
No caso de que non poidas escanear o código, podes introducir manualmente o código segredo na app. -
We are using time-based one-time passwords (TOTP) with six-digit tokens. In case your app prompts you for a time interval and algorithm enter 30 seconds and sha1 respectively. <br /> The spaces are just for readability, please enter the code without them.
We are using time-based one-time passwords (TOTP) with six-digit tokens. In case your app prompts you for a time interval and algorithm enter 30 seconds and sha1 respectively.
<br />
The spaces are just for readability, please enter the code without them.Utilizamos contrasinais de uso único baseadas na hora (TOTP) con testemuños de seis díxitos. No caso de que a túa app che solicite un intervalo de tempo e un algoritmo introduce o valor 30 seg. e sha1 respectivamente.<br />
Os espazos son só para facilitar a lectura, introduce o código sen eles. -
Confim with TOTP token
Confim with TOTP token
Confirma co testemuño TOTP -
After scanning or entering the secret, enter the six-digit code you see and confirm the setup.
After scanning or entering the secret, enter the six-digit code you see and confirm the setup.
Tras escanear ou introducir o código segredo, introduce o código de seis díxitos que apareza e confirma a activación. -
Confirm and activate
Confirm and activate
Confirmar e activar -
Two-factor token
Two-factor token
Testemuño segundo factor -
six-digit two-factor token
six-digit two-factor token
testemuño 2º factor de seis díxitos