Aspectos -
What is an aspect?
What is an aspect?
Que é un aspecto? -
Aspects are the way you group your contacts on diaspora*. An aspect is one of the faces you show to the world. It might be who you are at work, or who you are to your family, or who you are to your friends in a club you belong to.
Aspects are the way you group your contacts on diaspora*. An aspect is one of the faces you show to the world. It might be who you are at work, or who you are to your family, or who you are to your friends in a club you belong to.
Os Aspectos son o xeito en que vostede agrupa os contactos en diaspora*. Un aspecto é unha das caras que vostede lle mostra ao mundo. Podería ser quen é vostede no traballo, ou quen é para a súa familia, ou quen é para os seus amigos nun clube ao que pertence. -
When I post to an aspect, who sees it?
When I post to an aspect, who sees it?
Cando publico nun aspecto, quen o ve? -
If you make a limited post, it will only be visible to the people you had placed in that aspect (or aspects, if it is made to multiple aspects) before making the post. Contacts you have who aren’t in the aspect have no way of seeing the post. Limited posts will never be visible to anyone who you haven’t placed into one of your aspects.
If you make a limited post, it will only be visible to the people you had placed in that aspect (or aspects, if it is made to multiple aspects) before making the post. Contacts you have who aren’t in the aspect have no way of seeing the post. Limited posts will never be visible to anyone who you haven’t placed into one of your aspects.
Si fai unha publicación limitada, só será visible para a xente que vostede incluíu en ese aspecto (ou aspectos, se se publica en varios) antes de facer a publicación. Os contactos que teña que non estén en esos aspectos non teñen forma de ver a publicación. As publicacións limitadas non serán visibles para ninguén que vostede non incluíse en algún dos seus aspectos. -
Can I restrict the posts in my stream to just those from certain aspects?
Can I restrict the posts in my stream to just those from certain aspects?
Podo restrinxir as publicacións na miña conoloxía a só para certos aspectos? -
Yes. Click “My aspects” in the side-bar and then click individual aspects in the list to select or deselect them. Only the posts by people in the selected aspects will appear in your stream.
Yes. Click “My aspects” in the side-bar and then click individual aspects in the list to select or deselect them. Only the posts by people in the selected aspects will appear in your stream.
Si. Preme en "Apectos" na barra lateral e escolle os aspectos individuais na lista para seleccionar ou deseleccionalos. Só as publicacións de xente pertencente aos aspectos seleccionados aparecerán na túa cronoloxía. -
Do my contacts know which aspects I have put them in?
Do my contacts know which aspects I have put them in?
Saben os meus contactos en qué aspecto os incluín? -
No. They cannot see the name of the aspect under any circumstances.
No. They cannot see the name of the aspect under any circumstances.
Non. Non poden ver o nome do aspecto baixo ningunha circunstancia. -
If I remove someone from an aspect, or all of my aspects, are they notified of this?
If I remove someone from an aspect, or all of my aspects, are they notified of this?
Si elimino alguén de un aspecto, ou de todos, será notificado? -
No. They are also not notified if you add them to more aspects, when you are already sharing with them.
No. They are also not notified if you add them to more aspects, when you are already sharing with them.
Non. Tampouco se lle notifica se o inclúe en máis aspectos cando xa está a compartir con el. -
How do I rename an aspect?
How do I rename an aspect?
Cómo lle cambio o nome a un aspecto? -
Click “My aspects” in the side-bar from a stream view and click the pencil icon by the aspect you want to rename, or go to your Contacts page and select the relevant aspect. Then click the edit icon next to the aspect name at the top of this page, change the name and press “Update”.
Click “My aspects” in the side-bar from a stream view and click the pencil icon by the aspect you want to rename, or go to your Contacts page and select the relevant aspect. Then click the edit icon next to the aspect name at the top of this page, change the name and press “Update”.
Preme en "Os meus aspectos" na barra lateral da vista de Cronloxía e preme na icona de lápis no aspecto que queres renomear, ou vaite a páxina de contactos e escolle o aspecto relevante. Preme na icona de editar próximo ao nome do aspecto arriba en esta páxina, cambia o nome e preme en "Actualizar". -
Once I have posted something, can I change the aspect(s) that can see it?
Once I have posted something, can I change the aspect(s) that can see it?
Unha vez publique algo, podo cambiar o(s) aspecto(s) que poden velo? -
No, but you can always make a new post with the same content and post it to a different aspect.
No, but you can always make a new post with the same content and post it to a different aspect.
Non, pero sempre pode facer unha nova publicación co mesmo contido e publicala para un aspecto diferente. -
Can I post content to multiple aspects at once?
Can I post content to multiple aspects at once?
Podo publicar para varios aspectos ao mesmo tempo? -
Yes. When you are making a post, use the aspect selector button to select or deselect aspects. “All aspects” is the default setting. Your post will be visible to all the aspects you select. You could also select the aspects you want to post to in the side-bar. When you post, the aspect(s) that you have selected in the list on the left will automatically be selected in the aspect selector when you start to make a new post.
Yes. When you are making a post, use the aspect selector button to select or deselect aspects. “All aspects” is the default setting. Your post will be visible to all the aspects you select. You could also select the aspects you want to post to in the side-bar. When you post, the aspect(s) that you have selected in the list on the left will automatically be selected in the aspect selector when you start to make a new post.
Si. Cando compoña unha publicación, utilice o botón selector de aspectos para marcar ou desmarcar os que queira. "Todos os aspectos" é o valor por omisión. O artigo será visible para todos os aspectos que escolla. Pode tamén escoller os aspectos para os que queira publicar na barra lateral. Cando publique, o(s) aspecto(s) que teña escollido na lista da esquerda serán automáticamente seleccionados no selector de aspectos cando comece a escribir a nova publicación. -
Can I add a person to multiple aspects?
Can I add a person to multiple aspects?
Podo engadir unha persoa a múltiples aspectos? -
Yes. Go to your contacts page and click on “My contacts”. For each contact you can use the menu on the right to add them to (or remove them from) as many aspects as you want. Or you can add them to a new aspect (or remove them from an aspect) by clicking the aspect selector button on their profile page. Or you can even just move the pointer over their name where you see it in the stream, and a “hovercard” will appear. You can change the aspects they are in right there.
Yes. Go to your contacts page and click on “My contacts”. For each contact you can use the menu on the right to add them to (or remove them from) as many aspects as you want. Or you can add them to a new aspect (or remove them from an aspect) by clicking the aspect selector button on their profile page. Or you can even just move the pointer over their name where you see it in the stream, and a “hovercard” will appear. You can change the aspects they are in right there.
Si. Vaite a páxina de contactos e preme en "Os meus contactos". Para cada contacto podes utilizar o menú da dereita e engadilo (ou sacalo) aos aspectos que desexes. Tamén podes engadilo a un novo aspecto (ou sacalo dun aspecto) premendo no botón selector de aspectos na súa páxina de perfil. Ou simplemente podes mover o punteiro sobre o nome en calquera lugar na cronoloxía e aparecerá un cadro. Podes cambiar alí os aspectos. -
How do I delete an aspect?
How do I delete an aspect?
Como elimino un aspecto?