This is not yet available directly through diaspora*, but some %{third_party_tools} have been written that might provide this.
This is not yet available directly through diaspora*, but some %{third_party_tools} have been written that might provide this.
Polo momento non é posible facelo directamente en diaspora*, mais algunhas %{third_party_tools} poderían proporcionar dita función. -
Miscelánea -
Is there a quick way to go back to the top of a page after I scroll down?
Is there a quick way to go back to the top of a page after I scroll down?
Hai un xeito rápido para voltar a parte superior da páxina tras desprazarme moi abaixo? -
Yes. After scrolling down a page, click on the grey arrow that appears in the bottom right-hand corner of your browser window.
Yes. After scrolling down a page, click on the grey arrow that appears in the bottom right-hand corner of your browser window.
Si. Tras desprazarse moi abaixo, pulse na frecha gris que aparece no canto inferior dereito da ventá do navegador. -
Are there photo or video albums?
Are there photo or video albums?
Existen álbumes de vídeo ou fotografía? -
No, not currently. However you can view a person’s uploaded pictures under the Photos tab of their profile page.
No, not currently. However you can view a person’s uploaded pictures under the Photos tab of their profile page.
Non en este momento. Porén pode ver as fotografías subidas por unha persoa baixo a lapela Fotos na súa páxina de perfil. -
Can I subscribe to someone’s public posts with a feed reader?
Can I subscribe to someone’s public posts with a feed reader?
Podo suscribirme as publicacións públicas de unha usuaria a través dun lector de fontes? -
Yes, but this is still not a polished feature and the formatting of the results is still pretty rough. If you want to try it anyway, go to someone’s profile page and click the feed button in your browser, or you can copy the profile URL (e.g. https://podname.org/people/somenumber) and paste it into a feed reader. The resulting feed address looks like this: https://podname.org/public/username.atom – diaspora* uses Atom rather than RSS.
Yes, but this is still not a polished feature and the formatting of the results is still pretty rough. If you want to try it anyway, go to someone’s profile page and click the feed button in your browser, or you can copy the profile URL (e.g. https://podname.org/people/somenumber) and paste it into a feed reader. The resulting feed address looks like this: https://podname.org/public/username.atom – diaspora* uses Atom rather than RSS.
Si, pero aínda estamos a traballar en esta característica polo que o formato dos resultados é moi básico. Se que probar igualmente, vaia a páxina de perfil da usuaria e pulse o botón de fonte no seu navegador, ou pode copiar o URL de perfil (ex. https://podname.org/people/unnumero) e pégueo no lector de fontes. O enderezo da fonte resultante é similar a: https://podname.org/public/username.atom – diaspora* utiliza Atom en lugar de RSS. -
Is there a diaspora* app for Android or iOS?
Is there a diaspora* app for Android or iOS?
Existe app de diaspora* para Android ou iOS? -
There have been several Android apps in development by community members. Some are long-abandoned projects and so do not work well with the current version of diaspora*. Don’t expect much from these apps at the moment. There is currently no app for iOS. The best way to access diaspora* from your mobile device is through a browser, because we’ve designed a mobile version of the site which should work well on all devices, although it does not yet have complete functionality.
There have been several Android apps in development by community members. Some are long-abandoned projects and so do not work well with the current version of diaspora*. Don’t expect much from these apps at the moment. There is currently no app for iOS. The best way to access diaspora* from your mobile device is through a browser, because we’ve designed a mobile version of the site which should work well on all devices, although it does not yet have complete functionality.
Existen varias apps Android en desenvolvemento por parte da comunidade. Algunhas hai tempo que foron abandonadas polo que non funcionan ben coa versión actual de diaspora*. Non espere moito de elas. Actualmente non hai apps en iOS. O mellor xeito para acceder a diaspora* desde un dispositivo móbil é a través do navegador, xa que deseñamos unha versión móbil do sitio que debería funcionar ben en todos os dispositivos, aínda que non contén aínda todas as funcións. -
Enviando... -
You can use %{markdown_link} to format your post
You can use %{markdown_link} to format your post
Pode utilizar %{markdown_link} para darlle formato as súas publicacións -
Enter the image value
Enter the image value
Introduza o valor da imaxe -
Enter the code in the box:
Enter the code in the box:
Introduza o código na caixa: -
The secret code did not match with the image
The secret code did not match with the image
O código segredo non concorda coa imaxe -
The secret image and code were different
The secret image and code were different
A imaxe segreda e o código eran diferentes -
Human verification failed
Human verification failed
Fallou a verificación humana -
NSFW (“not safe for work”) is diaspora*’s self-governing community standard for content which may not be suitable to view while at work. If you plan to share such material frequently, please check this option so that everything you share will be hidden from people’s streams unless they choose to view them.
NSFW (“not safe for work”) is diaspora*’s self-governing community standard for content which may not be suitable to view while at work. If you plan to share such material frequently, please check this option so that everything you share will be hidden from people’s streams unless they choose to view them.
NSFW ("non seguro no traballo") é o xeito en que a comunidade autoxestionada de diaspora* marca os contidos que poderían non ser axeitados para ver mentras está a traballar. Se ten pensado compartir este tipo de contido con frecuencia, por favor marque esta opción para que calquera sepa que todo o que comparta estará oculto dos fluxos da xente a menos que escollan velos. -
If you choose not to select this option, please add the #nsfw tag each time you share such material.
If you choose not to select this option, please add the #nsfw tag each time you share such material.
Se escolle non seleccionar esta opción, por favor engada a etiqueta #nsfw cada vez que comparta estes contidos. -
Mark everything I share as NSFW
Mark everything I share as NSFW
Marcar todo o que comparto como NSFW