Change my password
Change my password
Ubah kata sandi saya -
Forgot your password?
Forgot your password?
Lupa kata sandi anda? -
Send me reset password instructions
Send me reset password instructions
Kirimkan saya instruksi untuk membuat ulang kata sandi -
Resend confirmation instructions
Resend confirmation instructions
Kirim ulang instruksi untuk konfirmasi -
You have signed up successfully. If enabled, a confirmation was sent to your e-mail.
You have signed up successfully. If enabled, a confirmation was sent to your e-mail.
Anda telah berhasil mendaftar. Jika diaktifkan, konfirmasi dikirim ke e-mail Anda. -
Resend unlock instructions
Resend unlock instructions
Kirim ulang instruksi untuk membuka -
Your invitation has been sent.
Your invitation has been sent.
Undangan anda telah dikirimkan. -
Our apologies! That invitation token is not valid.
Our apologies! That invitation token is not valid.
Bukti undangan yang diberikan tidak valid! -
Your password was set successfully. You are now signed in.
Your password was set successfully. You are now signed in.
Kata sandi anda berhasil dibuat. Sekarang anda sudah terdaftar. -
Confirmation instructions
Confirmation instructions
Instruksi pengesahan / konfirmasi -
You can confirm your account through the link below:
You can confirm your account through the link below:
Anda dapat mengkonfirmasi akun anda melalui link (tautan) di bawah ini: -
Confirm my account
Confirm my account
Konfirmasi akun saya -
Reset password instructions
Reset password instructions
Instruksi untuk membuat ulang kata sandi -
Change my password
Change my password
Ubah kata sandi saya -
Your password won't change until you access the link above and create a new one.
Your password won't change until you access the link above and create a new one.
Kata sandi anda tidak akan berubah sampai anda mengakses link (tautan) di atas dan membuat yang baru. -
If you didn't request this, please ignore this email.
If you didn't request this, please ignore this email.
Tolong abaikan e-mail ini jika anda tidak memintanya. -
Click the link below to unlock your account:
Click the link below to unlock your account:
Klik link (tautan) di bawah untuk mengaktifkan akun anda: -
Unlock my account
Unlock my account
Aktifkan akun saya -
%{name} -
at %{url}, you can accept it through the link below.
at %{url}, you can accept it through the link below.
di %{url}, anda dapat menerimanya melalui link (tautan) di bawah ini.
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