View %{name}’s profile >
View %{name}’s profile >
Skoða forsíðu %{name} -
Photo upload failed. Are you sure that your seatbelt is fastened?
Photo upload failed. Are you sure that your seatbelt is fastened?
Innsending á mynd mistókst. Ertu viss um að sætisbeltin séu spennt? -
Photo upload failed. Are you sure that was an image?
Photo upload failed. Are you sure that was an image?
Innsending á mynd mistókst. Ertu viss um að þetta hafi verið mynd? -
Photo upload failed. Are you sure an image was added?
Photo upload failed. Are you sure an image was added?
Innsending á mynd mistókst. Ertu viss um að mynd hafi verið bætt við? -
Update profile
Update profile
Uppfæra síðuna mína -
Enter your email address
Enter your email address
Gefðu upp netfang -
You’ve joined diaspora*!
You’ve joined diaspora*!
Nú hefurðu tengst Diaspora*! -
In %{count} aspect In %{count} aspects oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1In %{count} aspect
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything elseIn %{count} aspects
zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0Bæta við tengilið
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1í %{count} ásýnd
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything elseí %{count} ásýndir
Invite people by email
Invite people by email
með tölvupósti -
We will delete all of your posts and profile data as soon as possible. Your comments on other people’s posts will still appear, but they will be associated with your diaspora* ID rather than your name.
We will delete all of your posts and profile data as soon as possible. Your comments on other people’s posts will still appear, but they will be associated with your diaspora* ID rather than your name.
We delete all of your posts, profile data, as soon as humanly possible. Your comments will hang around, but be associated with your Diaspora Handle. -
Password changed. You can now log in with your new password.
Password changed. You can now log in with your new password.
Lykilorði var breytt -
Hello! You have been invited to join diaspora* by %{user}! Click this link to get started [%{invite_url}][1] Or you can add %{diaspora_id} to your contacts if you already have an account. Love, The diaspora* email robot! P.S.: Just in case you don't know (yet) what diaspora* is, [here][2] is the answer! [1]: %{invite_url} [2]: %{diasporafoundation_url}
You have been invited to join diaspora* by %{user}!
Click this link to get started
Or you can add %{diaspora_id} to your contacts if you already have an account.
The diaspora* email robot!
P.S.: Just in case you don't know (yet) what diaspora* is, [here][2] is the answer!
[1]: %{invite_url}
[2]: %{diasporafoundation_url}Halló!
Þér hefur verið boðið að vera með á Diaspora* af %{diaspora_id}!
Smelltu á þennan tengil til að hefjast handa
Eða að þú getur bætt %{diaspora_id} í tengiliðasafn þitt, ef þú ert þegar með aðgang.
Bestu kveðjur,
Diaspora* póst-róbótinn!
P.S.: Ef svo vill til að þú vitir ekki (ennþá) hvað diaspora* sé, þá er svarið hér [2] !
[1]: %{invite_url}
[2]: %{diasporafoundation_url} -
Via mobile
Via mobile
á farsíma -
In short: everything. Communication between pods is always encrypted (using SSL and diaspora*’s own transport encryption), but the storage of data on pods is not encrypted. If they wanted to, the database administrator for your pod (usually the person running the pod) could access all your profile data and everything that you post (as is the case for most websites that store user data). This is why we give you the choice which pod you sign up to, so you can choose a pod whose admin you are happy to trust with your data. Running your own pod provides more privacy since you then control access to the database.
In short: everything. Communication between pods is always encrypted (using SSL and diaspora*’s own transport encryption), but the storage of data on pods is not encrypted. If they wanted to, the database administrator for your pod (usually the person running the pod) could access all your profile data and everything that you post (as is the case for most websites that store user data). This is why we give you the choice which pod you sign up to, so you can choose a pod whose admin you are happy to trust with your data. Running your own pod provides more privacy since you then control access to the database.
Samskipti milli belgja eru ávalt dulkóðuð (með SSL sem og dulkóðun frá diaspora*), en gögnin á belgnum eru ekki dulkóðuð á miðlaranum. Kerfisstjórinn á belgnum sem þú ert hýstur á (oftast sá sem rekur belginn) gæti komist í allar þínar upplýsingar á belgnum, sem og öll seyti sem þú hefur sent (sambærilegt við flestar aðrar vefsíður sem vista gögn um þig). Ef þú keyrir þinn egin belg hefur þú betir stjórn á gögnunum þínum. -
Yes. When you are making a post, use the aspect selector button to select or deselect aspects. “All aspects” is the default setting. Your post will be visible to all the aspects you select. You could also select the aspects you want to post to in the side-bar. When you post, the aspect(s) that you have selected in the list on the left will automatically be selected in the aspect selector when you start to make a new post.
Yes. When you are making a post, use the aspect selector button to select or deselect aspects. “All aspects” is the default setting. Your post will be visible to all the aspects you select. You could also select the aspects you want to post to in the side-bar. When you post, the aspect(s) that you have selected in the list on the left will automatically be selected in the aspect selector when you start to make a new post.
Já. Þegar þú getur notað 'sýn' takkan til að velja og hafna hvaða sýn skeytið sem þú ert að skrifa birtist í. Skeytið mun vera sýnilegt í öllum þeim sýnum sem þú hefur valið. Þú getur einnig valið í hvaða sýn skilaboðin birtast á hliðarslánni. Þegar þú sendir skilaboðin munu þær sýnir sem þú hefur valið vistast og vera valdar þegar þú skrifar næst skilaboð. -
Yes. Go to your contacts page and click on “My contacts”. For each contact you can use the menu on the right to add them to (or remove them from) as many aspects as you want. Or you can add them to a new aspect (or remove them from an aspect) by clicking the aspect selector button on their profile page. Or you can even just move the pointer over their name where you see it in the stream, and a “hovercard” will appear. You can change the aspects they are in right there.
Yes. Go to your contacts page and click on “My contacts”. For each contact you can use the menu on the right to add them to (or remove them from) as many aspects as you want. Or you can add them to a new aspect (or remove them from an aspect) by clicking the aspect selector button on their profile page. Or you can even just move the pointer over their name where you see it in the stream, and a “hovercard” will appear. You can change the aspects they are in right there.
Já. Farðu á síðuna með tengiliðum þínum og smelltu á Mínir tengiliðir. Þú getur notað valmyndina til hægri til að bæta tengilið (eða taka úr) eins mörgum sýnum og þú vilt. Þú getur einnig bætt þeim við nýja sýn með því að ýta á Velja Sýn takkan á upplýsingasíðu viðkomandi. Einnig getur þú haldið músini fyrir ofan nafn þeirra þar sem nafn þeirra birtist á straumnum þínum og birtist þá lítill val gluggi. Þar getur þú breytt í hvaða sýnum viðkomandi er. -
A pod is a server running the diaspora* software and connected to the diaspora* network. “Pod” is a metaphor referring to pods on plants which contain seeds, in the way that a server contains a number of user accounts. There are many different pods. You can add friends from other pods and communicate with them. There’s no need to open an account on different pods! One is enough – in this way, you can think of a diaspora* pod as similar to an email provider. There are public pods, private pods, and with some effort you can even run your own.
A pod is a server running the diaspora* software and connected to the diaspora* network. “Pod” is a metaphor referring to pods on plants which contain seeds, in the way that a server contains a number of user accounts. There are many different pods. You can add friends from other pods and communicate with them. There’s no need to open an account on different pods! One is enough – in this way, you can think of a diaspora* pod as similar to an email provider. There are public pods, private pods, and with some effort you can even run your own.
Belgur er miðlari sem keyrir diaspora* hugbúnaðinn og er tengdur diaspora* netinu. "Belgur" er samlíking við fræbelgi á plöntum sem innihalda fræ á sama átt og miðlarinn hýsir marga notendur. Það eru margir belgir til. Þú getur bætt við vinum á öðrum belgjum og átt í samskiptum við þá. (Þú getur hugsað belg á svipaðan hátt og tölvupóstþjón: það eru margir opnir belgir sem og lokaðir belgir , þú getur meira að segja hýst þinn eginn belg). -
You can usually just paste the URL (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnnnnnnnnnn ) into your post and the video or audio will be embedded automatically. The sites supported include: YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Flickr and a few more. diaspora* uses oEmbed for this feature. If you post a direct link to an audio or video file, diaspora* will embed it using standard HTML5 player. We’re supporting more media sources all the time. Remember to always post simple, full links – no shortened links; no operators after the base URL – and give it a little time before you refresh the page after posting for seeing the preview.
You can usually just paste the URL (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnnnnnnnnnn ) into your post and the video or audio will be embedded automatically. The sites supported include: YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Flickr and a few more. diaspora* uses oEmbed for this feature. If you post a direct link to an audio or video file, diaspora* will embed it using standard HTML5 player. We’re supporting more media sources all the time. Remember to always post simple, full links – no shortened links; no operators after the base URL – and give it a little time before you refresh the page after posting for seeing the preview.
Oftast er hægt að setja URLið (t.d. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnnnnnnnnnn) beint inn í skilaboðin og myndin eða myndbandið verður fellt sjálfkrafa inn í skeytið. Við styðjum meðal annars. YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Flickr ásamt nokkrum öðrum. diaspora* notar oEmbed til að framkvæma innfellinguna sem gerir það að verkum að nýjar þjónustur eru stöðugt að bætast í hópinn. Mundu að setja alltaf inn fulla slóð inn, ekki stytta hana né bæta aftan við sem og að smá stund getur tekið áður en innfellingin er verður sýnileg. -
There have been several Android apps in development by community members. Some are long-abandoned projects and so do not work well with the current version of diaspora*. Don’t expect much from these apps at the moment. There is currently no app for iOS. The best way to access diaspora* from your mobile device is through a browser, because we’ve designed a mobile version of the site which should work well on all devices, although it does not yet have complete functionality.
There have been several Android apps in development by community members. Some are long-abandoned projects and so do not work well with the current version of diaspora*. Don’t expect much from these apps at the moment. There is currently no app for iOS. The best way to access diaspora* from your mobile device is through a browser, because we’ve designed a mobile version of the site which should work well on all devices, although it does not yet have complete functionality.
Það er til nokkur Android forrit sem eru enn i þróun. Sum eru löngu yfirgefin og virka því ekki vel með núverandi útgáfu af diaspora*. Ekki búast við of mikklu af þessum forritum eins og stendur. Það er einfaldlega best að nota diaspora* beint á vafranum í símanum þar sem hannað hefur verið viðmót sem ætti að hennta flestum tækjum. Eins og er eru engin forrit fyrir diaspora* á iOS, en enn og aftur virkar diaspora* vel í vafranum. -
View %{name}’s profile >
View %{name}’s profile >
Skoða forsíðu %{name}